Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Talking in Circles

"A good part of the job, then, consists of a 'constant interpretation and reinterpretation of events that constructs a reality in which it is difficult to pin blame on anyone, especially oneself'... this gives rise to the art of talking in circles...allowing managers to stake out a position on every side of an issue." "The intent of this kind of language is not to deceive, it is to preserve one's interpretative latitude so if the context changes, a 'new more appropriate meaning can be attached to the language already used!'"  (p. 139)  WOW! This one passage made this whole book worth it!! 

Mind. Blown.  Someone actually said it. And they put it in print.   Mad props, Mr. Crawford. Mad Props to you!!!

"When the point of education becomes the production of credentials rather than the cultivation of knowledge, it forfeits the motive recognized by Aristotle: 'All human beings by nature desire to know.' Students become intellectually disengaged." 

Wow.  Just Wow!   Thank you Mr. Crawford, for your insightful words. 

Shop Class as SoulCraft: An inquiry into the value of work.  
Matthew B. Crawford

Apples, Oats, Fish, Beans and Avocados...

 ...that's it.  Those are the things I need to eat EVERY Day! Why?  Well about a week ago I found out my cholesterol is at 239.   Anythi...