Saturday, January 1, 2022

Book Review— The Island of Missing Trees

 The Island of. Issuing Trees

Author: Elif Shafak

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️  Five Star Read.

Quote—. Chapter 6

‘What I meant was, some people stand in front of a tree and the first thing they notice is the trunk. These are the ones who prioritize order, safety, rules, continuity. Then there are those who pick out the branches before anything else. They yearn for change, a sense of freedom. And then there are those who are drawn to the roots, though concealed under the ground. They have a deep emotional attachment to their heritage, identity, traditions …So which one are you?’

Thanks for asking, Ada. I always notice the branches first— the way they sway, twist, reach. The rustle of the leaves. The soothing sound. Calling me. Whispering to me about possibilities and opportunities.  Reminds me of my Dad. We shared that desire for freedom and touch of wanderlust. When I read that passage I was shocked. It spoke to me  Like, are you actually talking to me, Kosta? Are you in my mind? Do you know me? Mind blown 🤯  Seriously.

Reflection: It took me a minute or so to figure out the flow of the story but once I got it, I was in.  Hooked. Invested. I felt Ada’s angst— was there with her in the classroom. Lived Kosta’s and Defne’s story— could see the back room of the Happy Fig where they met and feel their loss.  I loved J and J’s love— their whispers, stolen embraces, dances, and the significance of the gift. And Meryem’s search for identity—YES, I feel you girl! Wear the bold colors and pretty patterns.  DO ALL THE THINGS. 

 ALL the feels.  Legit  ALL THE FEELS.

I loved the historical aspect (even with the fiction built in), the cruelty of humans mixed with  hope and compassion, the wonder of the natural world, the humanization of insects, animals, and trees—anthropomorphism, according to Google.  SO. GOOD. A truly unique perspective with an unexpected twist. 

About that twist. Come on now. I gasped out loud.  Read it a couple of times to make sure my eyes didn’t deceive me (similar to my reaction when Dumbledore died—but that’s a whole different story). Went back to re-read sections to look for clues. Something I missed. Some early foreshadowing. And  S L O W E D down my reading to prolong the experience. Always a good sign when you don’t want it to end. I mean YES to all of this  

Okay, I get it. This is an emotional review and pretty useless in terms of what the book is actually about. But you can get that info from the summary. This raw feeling only comes from being immersed in the story.   Embracing it  Feeling it. Loving it. 

Recommendation: GO. READ IT NOW.  Don’t wait  

My Wish For You:  That you love it as much as I do.  Then you tell two friends.  And they tell two friends…. And so on  



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