Monday, August 22, 2022

Hanging from the Beams of an Outhouse-- Stories from Papa

 I was hanging out with my 96-year old grandfather (Papa) the other day and he shared a story I had never heard before. I just can't seem to shake the visual of the story, so I thought I would share it with you (whoever YOU may be) so you can also have this visual stuck in your head. I am kind that way. 

RC started first grade when he was five years old. I don't remember exactly which school he went to as there were several small community schools in the area. We will just say it as was in the greater Apple Springs area. Of course, school buses, bicycles, parents giving kids rides, public transportation, and all the current options weren't available then, so he did what all kids did-- he walked. Around 2 to 3 miles one way to get to school. May I remind you, he was FIVE.

Now, to be fair, it likely wasn't snowing and it definitely wasn't uphill both ways. In fact the area around here is relatively flat. But still 4 to 6 miles a day for a five year old to go to school. That's intense! AND may have something to do with why he is still here telling these stories 91 years later. As a little, he obviously couldn't trek that far on his own. Fortunately he had some aunts and uncles who were still in school and he was able to tag along with them. One of those uncles, who was 18 at the time, had already finished school (schools only went to 9th grade then) but he just kept going back every year so he could play basketball. AND no one stopped him. I guess they really need the players!

As was the norm in those days, the school had an outhouse instead of an indoor restroom. One day RC was out there by the outhouse. He didn't specify why, but I think we can all assume he was doing what you do when you are in an outhouse. I mean why else would you be there?

UNLESS you are out there to ruin the day for some unsuspecting child. Which is what happened when some of the older boys from school came out and trapped him in. They were picking on him--goofing off-- being losers--whatever you want to call it. He didn't go into a lot of detail about it, but the end result was that they picked him up and dropped him INTO the pit. INTO THE PIT!

Just take a minute to let that settle in. Are you getting the heebie jeebies yet? Blech! Fortunately, RC was a pretty strong little due and he was able to reach out mid-fall, grab on to the wooden beams of the pit, and hold on for dear life. Uhh...what?! Hanging on to the sides of the pit. Again. WHAT?! Then he just hung, trying not to fall, probably freaking out (although he didn't say that) until they gave up tormenting him and went back to class. 

After they left he pulled himself up and crawled out of the pit. Do you have this visual? A five(ish) year old kid, hanging from the beams INSIDE an outhouse pit. Perilously dangling above all the outhouse business. All alone. Dude. That is the stuff nightmares are made of. I mean we are talking the anti-version of Little House on the Prairie, here! 

Thankfully, He did NOT fall all the way into the waste and gunk and who knows what else. In the end, he was fine. Unharmed and unscathed. The boys in question? They were not so fine. They apparently got in a LOT of trouble. And 91 years later, Papa is still laughing at the memory of that!

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