I have read this book in it's entirety at least three times now. I have scanned it even more times over the last couple of years that I have been involved in our leadership program. For some reason this time, this particular section is really speaking to me and I am having a hard time pulling my thoughts together and separating what speaks to me personally with what I want to share with the group tomorrow.
What is it about this section that is grabbing me today? For starters, the idea of being open to the universe and accepting of what comes along. This is a theme that has been showing up in several books I have been reading lately...The Happiness Project, 29 Gifts, Big Magic, BadAss, Thrive....and more. It's like I am being surrounded by this message lately. This directive to be open. To trust. To embrace new opportunities.
I recently had an experience where someone presented an idea to me...an opportunity I wasn't seeking. One that I immediately dismissed. One that if you asked me even 5 minutes before I would have laughed at. Once the seed was planted though, it didn't want to let go. So, after talking to lots of people about the pros and cons, I finally realized I didn't have any choice but to follow up on it.....the idea wasn't letting go. So, I did. And now I am waiting on the outcome. Either way....I seized the moment! And in that regards, I can relate to what Jaworski is saying. I get it.
Jaworski talks about three fundamental shifts we need to make in order to embrace synchronicity. First, we have to change our mental models of how the world works. We have to move away from the fixed and determined model to an open, flowing, and interconnected model. This model maintains that the future is not fixed.....we create the future ourselves each and every moment. What do I think about that? I love it! I love the idea that the future is not set in stone. The idea that the possibilities are endless. That I could someday head off to into the wilds to teach English in a foreign land. To live in a cabin somewhere surrounded by nature. To wake up some morning, walk out on my deck, and watch the waves crash against the shore. There is hope for something more. This calls to the wanderer in me. The wanderer that is in constant battle with the quote/unquote adult in me. But this model....says you don't have to be limited by one reality. It says I can roam the world. My story is not finished and I can choose the next chapter. Wow......that calls to me! That reminds me of my dreams. That.....makes me wonder why I fight my wanderlust so hard. How can I embrace it instead? Find the balance necessary to embrace both the wanderer and the sensible sides. What actions can I take that will create the future I crave?
The second fundamental shift is in our understandings of relationships. The connections between people....our own encounters with ermines (sorry, you have to know the book to get that reference). This shift says that we are all connected. There are threads linking each of us and pulling us together. I and Thou. Connections. Human connections are so strong. I didn't always recognize that. For several years I didn't see the good in others...or myself for that matter. But now, I get it. Relationships are critical. They comfort us, guide us, strengthen us, and sustain us. Over the past year I have worked hard to build relationships, cultivate friendships, let people know I value them, and find my community. I remember a moment on Sunday when I realized that I was headed off on an adventure with four wonderful people that I considered friends. I felt such a sense of ...... joy, belonging-ness, and fulfillment that I could share the experience with them. Today, I posted a statement on my FB page referencing a moment of anxiety I had when I read a reference to a gunman being spotted near a business and for a moment I had a flashback to October 1. In less than an hour, I had phone calls, texts, and messages from people saying "hey, I'm here and I care." I can't even begin to express how amazing that felt. One friend even said, you were on my mind and then I check FB and saw your post." Threads that connect us. It's real.
Finally, he says we have to a fundamental shift in the nature of our commitments. He says that "commitment starts not with will, but with willingness." How powerful is that? Willingness. The "ness" will get you every time (channeling my inner Owen Wilson right there) He talks about "standing in a state of surrender" and being ready for whatever comes. I love that visual and I really like the idea of just being open and accepting that the Universe, fate, the Ultimate BadAss....whatever it is...will provide opportunities when the time is right. Not necessarily when we think we are ready. Not when we want it. But when the time is right. And all we have to do is be ready to accept and move with it. Right? How amazing.
This message, is the one that keeps showing up everywhere I go. Jen Sencero, (You Are a BadAss), talks about this a lot. Trusting the universe to provide what you need. Asking for what you need and accepting that it is available to you. Striving to manifest your desires. I experienced this other day with an unexpected cash inflow that came at just the right moment to do something I really desired. As soon as I happened, I thought of some of Jen's stories and had an "aha" moment! The Secret talks about this concept from a more religious perspective, but the idea is the same. Trust that it will come when the time is right. Is there something to this?
This message, is the one that keeps showing up everywhere I go. Jen Sencero, (You Are a BadAss), talks about this a lot. Trusting the universe to provide what you need. Asking for what you need and accepting that it is available to you. Striving to manifest your desires. I experienced this other day with an unexpected cash inflow that came at just the right moment to do something I really desired. As soon as I happened, I thought of some of Jen's stories and had an "aha" moment! The Secret talks about this concept from a more religious perspective, but the idea is the same. Trust that it will come when the time is right. Is there something to this?
Not that we don't have a responsibility to work towards our goals, instead that we have to do what needs to be done, while keeping an eye out and being open to what comes. It's not enough to just build it and hope that "he will come." It's more that we have to build it, we prepare for it, we prepare for him, we remain vigilant, and when we see him...we run out and greet him and make ourselves available in whatever way is needed. Jaworski and Costner.....who could ask for more??
Does this help me with my presentation tomorrow? Not really. But at least now that I have gotten all of this out, perhaps I can spend some time narrowing down my focus.
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