Thursday, July 21, 2016

New Year. New Me....well, Healthy Me.

In my mind, the new year always starts in the fall. Probably has something to do with the fact that I am a teacher and my life revolves around school schedules! Anyway...

For the last year or so, I have focused on getting mentally stronger and healthier.  I had some pretty serious events happen in quick succession and it took a while to recover. Of course, during my "recovery" period, I faced two more life altering events (shooting at my school and birth of my grandson with serious health issues) that were both more horrific than the things I had been through previously (divorce, ending of friendships, rediscovering myself).  So, it certainly hasn't been' easy...but I made it.

A little bit ago I realized that I am happy. Truly happy. I no longer suffer from the "not enoughisms" that I used to struggle with.  I no longer feel like I don't measure up.  And, most importantly, I am no longer concerned about it. I realized that my life is my own. I am in charge of it.  And I don't have to answer to, prove myself to, or reach anyone else's standards. I am enough. Right now. As I am. I am happy.  Right now.  In my current situation. With my life.  

That was a powerful realization!   Success.  

Of course, I am goal oriented.  So, I need a new goal.   As I prepare to start the new year (school year) I am committed to continuing my quest for healthy.  Mind is good.  Now it's time for the body to catch up! I also find myself thinking more about my spiritual self.  I feel the need...the need for speed?...No.  The need for a spiritual presence.  Home.   Belief.   Connection.  I don't know. I am still exploring this.  So, I will start with body.  

I don't have a scale. I'm not weight obsessed. And I am not worried the number on the scale or the size of my jeans on their own.  

What am I worried about is my ability to walk, hike, climb, ride, stand up, swim, row, paddle, lift, play, work, think, explore, function...embrace my life.  I am closer to 50 than's time to start thinking about what that means!   So far, I have been pretty fortunate with my health. I had a brief scare with diabetes, but I made the changes necessary to stave that off for now.  I have found myself slipping though, which means it's time to step up my game!

So, how does this adventure start?? At the grocery store, of course!   With LOTS and LOTS of fresh, yummy food.   Fruits--Check!  Veggies-- Check!  Fish--Check!  Protein--Check!   Sugary junk foods--NOPE!   Snacky Foods--NOPE!   Well, non healthy snack foods--NOPE. Healthy snacks---Check!     I wanted to have a rule that if I couldn't pronounce the ingredient, or know what it is without Google, then I wouldn't buy it! That didn't last long.  Too many crazy things out there and I was getting a bit lost in the grocery store aisles!  I had a brief flash of  wandering out the aisles forever with a sign that read "If found please return to Shayne Boyles" (my daughter)  on me and realized that I might have bit off a little more than I could chew right now! So, I went with fresh. Simple. And as natural as possible.

Came home...after recovering from the sticker shock at the check out stand.... and made myself a delicious spinach, blueberry, and strawberry salad with sliced almonds and blue cheese crumbles!   Ah.....Bliss!  Why don't I always eat this good? Check it out....

Am I right?  Well, I think I might need to study Ali's Fix Me a Little Lunch a bit more so I can master the food shots...but you get the idea?  Tasty Goodness AND Healthy. Perfect combination!

Second item on the agenda.  A little more consistent movement.   I'm good with the big adventures, but am not consistent with the everyday movements.  That's my goal now.  Whether it's walking, stretching, kayaking, hiking, dancing, or swimming... I will move every day.   Including today. So, it's time to log off and hit the streets!


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Apples, Oats, Fish, Beans and Avocados...

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