Thursday, August 26, 2021

What I am Doing Now


UPDATED January, 2022. I had a horrible loss shortly after this post was originally made that changed my perspective and my plans.  My world was wrecked and I haven’t really figured out the next step but since that loss I am craving family, connections, belonging.  Reevaluating plans now. 


August 2021–. I sold my house about a month ago and set out on what I HOPE will be a year of travel around the United States. I put my stuff in storage (I have learned from past attempts NOT to get rid of everything right away), packed a suitcase, and hopped on a plane!

First the basics, I work full-time for a company. I am not self-employedor an influencer—of any sort.  I work a basic 40-hour week job—that just so happens to be remote. I am fortunate to have started working remotely prior to Covid-19 and intend to continue doing so as long as possible…12 more years would be perfect! ðŸ˜Š My requirements for work are that I have secure, reliable Internet connection, power, and the ability to work my set office hours. I can do that from anywhere…basically.  

Second, the plan.  I have parents in Texas and Vermont. Children and grandchildren in Oregon, and friends all over the place.  I hope to be able to weave my way across the country checking out hiking trails, national parks, scenic points, and reconnecting with people.  I will be using a combination of planes, trains, and automobiles to get around and using Airbnb’s, hotels, couch surfing, and camping for lodging.

When I started researching this plan, I found TONS of people on the Internet who travel internationally, travel in an RV, live in their cars, live off the grid, or housesit. Those all seem like cool things. But not my thing. I want to pick a place, find a place to stay, and hang out for a couple of weeks to a month. I want time to experience, explore, work, live, breath….BE.  I want to just BE in a place.  

I am currently trying to figure out how much space I need. What are my must-haves and how can I get those on the cheap?  I need a room. A private room. With space to work.  I am okay sitting at a table, on the bed, on a cushion, even on the floor if needed. The place needs to be relatively quiet. I must be able to interact with my students in a quiet, seemingly professional, and confidential setting. I need a place to store and heat up food. Microwave, hotplate, full kitchen—I can work with all of that.  I think I need a private bath—or do I? It would probably depend on the place. And I really love an outdoor space. I want to engage with the outside world.

Can I do all this in the U.S?  Maybe. Maybe not. But I am going to give it a go!   So, hey, if you know me, have an extra space, and want to show me around your area…send me a message! Let’s explore.

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