Sunday, January 19, 2020

#2 Golden Bloom Pond Trail @ Baytown Nature Center

Hike #2 Golden Bloom Pond Trail at the Baytown Nature Center.

Date: January 19, 2020
Distance: approximately 3 miles
Weather: Sunny and clear. Blue skies for miles. A little chill in the air but the sunshine more than made up for it.
Type: Park
Company: Solo

Reflections: First a bit of history.  The Baytown Nature Center sits on the site of a housing development that waa reclaimed by Mother Nature through a series of floods, sinking ground, and finally a devasting hurricane. The area was originally home to local Native American tribes who came to fish in the waterways and take advantage of all the bounty the area had to offer.  After that it was bought by the Brown family from Mississippi (I think) and they set up a thriving cattle ranch on the property.  After Mr. Brown passed away in the 1920's his widow starting selling off pieces of the land for development. In the 1940's and 1950's the Brownwood neighborhood was one of Baytown's most desirable neighborhoods.  With beautiful bays on three sides this little peninsula neighborhood was the place to be! My mother tells me it was home to the Exxon bigwigs who were trying to redefine the landscape.  Well, as I mentioned earlier, Mother Nature had a few things to say about that!  The area was subject to constant flooding and following Hurricane Carla in the 1960's the area started to sink. Then when Hurricane Alicia hit in the 1980's, MoNa delivered her final blow and reclaimed the area. Residents were forced to leave the area, sometimes against their will, and the City of Baytown stepped in and reworked the space to make it the lovely nature preserve it is today.
So, with all that history behind it, how could I not choose it for my hiking destination today? We finally had some sunshiney and dry weather, I was off work, and we weren't packing this morning. The morning was definitely meant for some nature therapy at the nature center. Not gonna lie though, it almost didn't happen.  Just a few feet in on the lovely Golden Bloom Pond Trail I was greeted by this sign.
 Yeah...was not feeling the copperheads, cottonmouths, and corals.  These are three C's I did not want to encounter. Seriously considered turning around and calling it quits.  But in the end I decided to push on and I am so glad I did! It only took a little bit for the heart pounding fear and paranoia to subside and then I was able to enjoy the morning without flinching at every sound..sort of!  Hey--did you see the sign? Cottonmouths, copperheads, and coral snakes!! You would be flinching too! No judging.

Eventually I made my way off the trail and decided to walk on the roadway to check out the other end of the center.  Two bonuses for getting off the trail...water views and a wider scanning range for snake patrol!  It was so gorgeous!  Choppy waves, ships (it's part of the ship channel) and lots of birds.  

See that tall tower in the background? That is the San Jacinto Monument.  That is where the battle for Texas' independence from Mexico was won.  Right there ya'll, is where Texas became Texas.  So across that bay is Deer Park which refers to itself as the "birthplace of Texas" because of said battle and all.   Here is a another look at the monument from the nature center.

 and even closer....
So fun (or not so fun) fact about Deer Park.  That is one of the main areas my family lived in when I was growing up. We bounced around between Deer Park, Pasadena, and LaPorte.  I went to at least one year of high school in Deer Park.  It was a total mean girl school. No joke. And since I was as far from cool as it was possible to get--like seriously if you look up antonyms for cool in the dictionary you will probably find a picture of me from then-- I was often subject to the mean girls taunts and jabs. Not a place I enjoyed. At all. Although I did make one really good friend while I was there, Leigh Ann. I was fortunate to have her as a buffer while I was there and we stayed friends. Years later, when I was slightly less uncool, she was even in my wedding.  See good things can come from shity experiences-- moral of the day!  Anyway moving on from that tangent!  

After spending some time exploring the kid's nature park, butterfly garden, and enjoying the water views I headed back to the trails and stumbled on this lovely boardwalk. Meandered through the trees and passed a pretty landscaped pond
before making my way back to the Golden Bloom Pond Trail and eventually my car.  Thankfully none of the 3 C's were seen!  A history lesson, inceased heartrate (from fear), beautiful scenery, and a stroll down memory lane--- all in all a very good 2nd hike for my 2020 #52HikeChallenge. 

Sunday, January 12, 2020

#1 Azalea Trail Lufkin, Texas

Hike #1  Azalea Hiking Trail, Lufkin, Texas

Date: January 1, 2020
Weather:  Clear, Cool, Lovely New Years morning hike
Distance:  1.59 miles
Type:  Urban Hike through a city Nature Trail
Company: Solo

Reflections:  The day was January 1, 2020.  I was physically sick (upper respiratory and ear infection), heartbroken (all goodbyes are hard but final goodbyes are soul crushing), and homesick (missing my children,
grandchildren, friends, and routines) and all I wanted that morning was a little nature therapy. Trees, a trail, and the restorative power of communing with nature. Peace, quiet, solitude.

Since I was (am) away from home this month I couldn’t explore any of my favorite hikes or join my friends on a New Year’s snow shoe adventure  Instead I hit up Google and looked for “hiking trails near me.” Azalea Fitness Trail to the rescue.  True, the trail was paved, I could hear the traffic from the road,  and there were light posts interspersed with the trees.  But on that crisp morning it was just what I needed. Trees, crisp air, and some me time with Mother Nature (aka MoNay).  As I explored
the trail that morning, my mind transported me back to my Oregon and some of my favorite hikes, hikes I still want to do, and some I never ever want to do again.  I mentally planned out the coming year and the adventures I will have. I also spent some time thinking about my brother. Remembering our adventures as children, the dreams he shared, and his love. In that space I felt like I was finally able to start saying goodbye. Finally, I spent some time thinking about all the people I have in my life, the things that matter to me, and the aspirations I have for this game of life.  As I wandered  down the path that morning, I only encountered a few other beings—  a group of teenagers playing basketball at the park trailhead, a morning jogger, and some playful squirrels who kept me company along the way. Aside from that it was just me, the trees, a lovely little bridge (I LOVE bridges, stairs, and doors we will explore the symbolism of that another time), and MoNay.  The perfect way to start the new year, new decade, new journey.

Thank you for giving me a place to calm my mind and wish you a Happy New Year.

Gratitude List

Here it is dear imaginary reader ( I really should give you a name), the first gratitude list for 2020, I will start out with the basics, the givens.

1. I am grateful for a body that while not perfect, is strong, is capable, and allows me to live this life everyday doing the things I choose to do.

2. I am grateful for a mind that works and allows me to be the person I want to be.

3. I am grateful for my children and the blessings they bring to my life. There is no greater joy in my life than The Adventures of S and C.

4. I am grateful for my grand babies because GRANDBABIES!  How did I get so lucky as to have these three perfect little humans know me as their Nana.  And yes they are perfect!  In every way.  

5. I am grateful for the rest of my family—parents, siblings, grandparents, cousins, extended—The love we share and the lessons they have taught me about who I am, who I want to be, and sometimes who I don’t want to be.

6. I am grateful for the Badasses and the acceptance, friendship, adventure, laughter, challenges, and love they have added to my life.

7. I am grateful for a career that allows me to use my strengths, grow, challenge myself, afford the things I want in my life along with the flexibility to go where I want to go when I need to go. 

And on this lovely January morning I am grateful for coffee...that most magical of elixirs that helps usher in awareness of the new day!  I strive to start each glorious morning with a grateful heart, excitement for the the adventures to come and one recurring thought in mind....”But first coffee!” ☕️☕️

Friday, January 10, 2020

Commitment to Myself 2020

Dear 2020,

I made 3 commitments to myself for this new year.

1. Learn Spanish (in preparation for the Caminno de Santiaga)
2. Complete 52 Hikes #52HikeChallenge
3. Be creative (writing, photography, painting....whatever)

Since we are 10 days into the new decade, let's start off with a progress update.  I am off to a good start with the Spanish. I have been using a Duolingo app and am making progress!  Exciting times.  

I am off to a bit of a rocky start with the 52 hikes because I am spending the month of January in Texas helping my mother move and haven't had the opportunity or knowledge of the area to get out and hike since my brief New Year's Day hike in Lufkin (more on that later--unless I get distracted).

And I am just getting started on the creative commitment by reviving this blog.  What will that look like? I don't know! I am just getting started. 

There is a lot of focus on gratitude journals lately and while I like the idea of being grateful...and do strive to live in a place of gratitude...I can't really commit to an entire journal of nothing but lists of things I am grateful for.  I mean what if I want to talk about something else?? It seems wrong to limit myself like that, right? I need to be free to be me! What if I want to talk about a hike, share a great quote or just expIore a random thought. I love me some random ramblings.  I was reading a book the other day (Make it Stick: The Science of Succesful Learning) and they talked about "awful blurting."  I might go ahead and include some of that too. Random Ramblings, Awful Blurtings, Gratitude Lists, Hikes, and quotes I love. Yep, that can work.  And you know what else?  Don't be surprised if you find some Spaniah sprinkled in.  Could be muy interesente! No judging! I do what I want!

Quick question though...who is this "you" I am asking questions? Hmmm...maybe I should call this blog Debz Delusional World!  

Okay. Back on track.  My other concern is that I am not sure I can commit to daily writing. That seems like a LOT of pressure and I really strive to live a stress free life!  So I can't be adding crazy expectations like that! Nope, no can do. Instead, I will set a goal of weekly and be kind to myself if I don't always make it.

Is that cool imaginary person? Maybe I should give you a name. What do you think?  Then I could name the blog Delusional Debz Conversations with (insert name here).  Or just Conversations with (insert name here).  Of course a conversation requires two-way communication and if you, aka me, start talking back to me then I am just right back at Delusional Debz.  You see the cycle there?  So, for now let's just agree on Random Ramblings and call it good!  Cool?  

Bring it on 2020...let's do this!

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Riverbank Path. JULY 2015

July 3, 2015...Exploring the Ruth Bascom Riverbank Path near my place!  Fun in the sun. 

Laminated Lesson Plans...

I din't come up with that term. I shamelessly stole it from my friend (s) tonight. One who said it and one who thought it would be a great book title. As I drove home, I realized it was my next blog post!  Someday 

What's With This Whole Networking Thing?? do people do this?? I have like two lines....Hi, I'm Debi. How are you? That's great.   And....I'm out!  That's all I got.  A couple of smiles, a nod, and an awkward walk away.  Go Debz!

Had the opportunity this evening to attend a great networking event. Pizza, wine & beer, tons of Roseburg business people/entrepreneurs.   Motivational testimonies from high school students, the epic tale of a personal journey from a successful Eugene business guru, and deep insight from the group founder/leader.  Really excellent experience. Thoroughly enjoyed the speaker, the excitement, and the information~ Minus the awkwardness that is me! Always feel like a phony at these types of events.....little girl playing dress up!   

Checked out this book to see if I can get some solid ideas for how to be engaging and captivating.  Apparently this is a skill set I am sorely lacking in!   Help me, Ben Parr, Help me!!

If anyone else has any tips, I would love to hear them!   Help a social misfit out......

Apples, Oats, Fish, Beans and Avocados...

 ...that's it.  Those are the things I need to eat EVERY Day! Why?  Well about a week ago I found out my cholesterol is at 239.   Anythi...