Friday, January 10, 2020

Commitment to Myself 2020

Dear 2020,

I made 3 commitments to myself for this new year.

1. Learn Spanish (in preparation for the Caminno de Santiaga)
2. Complete 52 Hikes #52HikeChallenge
3. Be creative (writing, photography, painting....whatever)

Since we are 10 days into the new decade, let's start off with a progress update.  I am off to a good start with the Spanish. I have been using a Duolingo app and am making progress!  Exciting times.  

I am off to a bit of a rocky start with the 52 hikes because I am spending the month of January in Texas helping my mother move and haven't had the opportunity or knowledge of the area to get out and hike since my brief New Year's Day hike in Lufkin (more on that later--unless I get distracted).

And I am just getting started on the creative commitment by reviving this blog.  What will that look like? I don't know! I am just getting started. 

There is a lot of focus on gratitude journals lately and while I like the idea of being grateful...and do strive to live in a place of gratitude...I can't really commit to an entire journal of nothing but lists of things I am grateful for.  I mean what if I want to talk about something else?? It seems wrong to limit myself like that, right? I need to be free to be me! What if I want to talk about a hike, share a great quote or just expIore a random thought. I love me some random ramblings.  I was reading a book the other day (Make it Stick: The Science of Succesful Learning) and they talked about "awful blurting."  I might go ahead and include some of that too. Random Ramblings, Awful Blurtings, Gratitude Lists, Hikes, and quotes I love. Yep, that can work.  And you know what else?  Don't be surprised if you find some Spaniah sprinkled in.  Could be muy interesente! No judging! I do what I want!

Quick question though...who is this "you" I am asking questions? Hmmm...maybe I should call this blog Debz Delusional World!  

Okay. Back on track.  My other concern is that I am not sure I can commit to daily writing. That seems like a LOT of pressure and I really strive to live a stress free life!  So I can't be adding crazy expectations like that! Nope, no can do. Instead, I will set a goal of weekly and be kind to myself if I don't always make it.

Is that cool imaginary person? Maybe I should give you a name. What do you think?  Then I could name the blog Delusional Debz Conversations with (insert name here).  Or just Conversations with (insert name here).  Of course a conversation requires two-way communication and if you, aka me, start talking back to me then I am just right back at Delusional Debz.  You see the cycle there?  So, for now let's just agree on Random Ramblings and call it good!  Cool?  

Bring it on 2020...let's do this!

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