Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Commitment Update #1


At the beginning of this year, I made three commitments to myself.

1. Embrace creativity by reengaging with photography and writing
2. Complete the #52HikeChallege by completing 52 individual hikes this year
3. Learn Spanish

As we (the universal we, that is) approach the end of the second month of 2020, it is time to take stock and see how I am doing so far.   Initial thought---I am rocking it!. I have consistently expressed myself creatively through writing in my journal or on this blog. On the blog I have written about hikes, a book, commitments, and gratitude.  I have not limited myself to any specific type of ramblings and have a list of topics I am interested in exploring. In my journal I have written about my habits I am trying to form or change and personal reflections. I shared a picture I took with the Pacific NW Waterfalls Group and it got approved for posting!  55 likes so far and 4 shares!  Wolf Creek Falls for the win! 

I have completed five hikes and fallen into a weekly routine of hiking on Sundays.  Since I have been home I have had the opportunity to hike with friends on three separate occasions. I anticipate their will be some solo hikes coming soon. In fact, I have recently changed my work schedule so that I have a free afternoon in the middle of the week and intend to use it for just those types of adventures!  I haven't gotten overly ambitious with my hikes yet and have remained pretty close to home. Although, I do have plans to venture out further as the weather improves. I envision some hiking/camping weekends that will allow me to explore further from home.  This ties in nicely with my goal to create a second income stream by listing my home through Airbnb a couple of times a month. The vision is that I will go away and hike and my home will make money for me while I am gone.   Still exploring this idea though--not ready to execute it.

I am faithfully working on the DuoLingo app and building my knowledge of Spanish.  Later this year I plan to enroll in a conversational Spanish course so that I can practice applying what I am learning. I really enjoy the app and the way it incorporates researched backed learning practices into the delivery model (as an educator I geek out on that kind of stuff). I have completed 12 lesson levels on the app and am currently in the Amethyst League--although I did just fall out of the top 10 and am in danger of not advancing to the next level. Truthfully, I don't really know what that means--but I am claiming it as proof I am keeping my commitment! I have 13 achievement badges and have 5819 XP....again no idea what that means but in the gamification of learning it is fun to have some bling! I also have a friend who has just recently signed up so I am hoping this will lead to some opportunities to practice speaking.

The cool thing about these commitments is that they are tangible things I want to do. I look forward to them and while they are about making me better, they are not about changing me---and I think that is the difference. In the past I have made commitments to lose weight, work out, eat healthy, etc.  Those were all focused on changing me.  And as I recently learned by completing the Four Tendencies quiz, I tend to be a rebel and I rebel against both internal and external expectations!   It's almost like my brain says....oh so you think we should lose weight, do you? (we, because my brain is clearly talking to me and me + I = we?)  My brain continues...I will show you...there will be no losing of weight!   Yea, I have issues. But this time---it's just about doing things I want to do and even a rebel can't argue with that because they live to do what they want!  Cue Cartman here...whateva, I do what I want!   Now my brain says, oh you want to hike 52 times this year and learn a new language so we can go to Spain-- yeah, okay, me too! You want to express your creativity by going pretty places to take pictures and write about things on your mind....yeah...let's do that!  I think I figured this out!

I am also working on building some habits that have been on my mind for awhile-- a solid morning routine which includes getting up a six, meditating, journaling, and yoga; moving for 30 minutes a day; and eliminating alcohol from my life.  Two of the three of these habits fall under the same mindset as the commitments-- they are not about changing who I am or implying I am not good enough as I am. Instead they are about improving the current version of me.  The third one is definitely about eliminating something from my life-- but it is not about changing who I am, it is jut about removing something that is not good for me.  I am learning to respect the rebel in me and I am careful to word that habit as "I will not drink alcohol TODAY."  Let tomorrow take care of itself, but for today I will refrain.   I have never been to an AA meeting--nor do I need to--but on TV they always say that it is about taking it one day at a time. Right now I am four days in. Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully, by approaching it this way, I will be able to appease my inner rebel and reach my goal.

Finally, in addition to my three commitments and three habits, I have three personal goals.  They are 1) take control of my finances by cultivating a second income stream; 2) go on one solo trip this year; and 3) take control of my health by eliminating toxic habits and incorporating daily movement. So far my only progress with the goals has been to identify them. No, wait-- that's not true! In fact all three of my habits feed the goal of taking control of my health.    I am exploring the AirBnb idea which would contribute to goal #1 and have actually researched a weekend getaway for my birthday to complete a hike I want to take for my #52hikechallenge. So, look at me making progress already!

There you have 2 months into 2020 and I am still on track with my personal commitments, am building solid habits, and have identified three goals I would like to achieve this year. got this!

#5 Wolf Creek Falls, Glide, Oregon

Hike #5 Wolf Creek Falls, Glide Oregon

Date:  February 23, 2020
Distance:  3ish miles or so.  Map says one thing, Fitbit says another. Who to believe?  My legs say it was just enough!
Weather: RAINY
Type: Waterfall
Company: Sue Souza

Reflections:  WATERFALLS, baby!  I am so happy to be back in Oregon and able to take full advantage of the complete and total awesomeness that MoNa has blessed us with! I mean...come on!! WHAT? With views like this the rain doesn't matter at all!

Okay, let me back track!  First, kudos to Sue for taking up my challenge and being willing to hike in the rain with me!  Friendship means getting up early after a late night out and mucking through the rain together!  #badasses

When it came time for this week's hike I had one goal in mind...well, two goals in mind.

 #1 Get into the woods -- check!
 #2 End up a Waterfall-- check

This trail starts with a lovely bridge over Little River and heads off into the woods. Every time I start a hike I always, without fail, have two quotes run through my mind.  Both from John Muir.

1. And into the forest I go to lose my mind and find my soul.   Find my soul!  Bliss.
2.  Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few are dirt!  Ahhhh.... Mr. Muir had all so right!

I think both of those quotes were entirely appropriate for this little jaunt.  But for this particular day there is one more quote that was even more fitting....

Raindrops keep falling on my head
But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turning red
Crying's not for me
'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complaining
Because I'm free
Nothing's worrying me

Rain or worries, man!I am free and able to enjoy places like this!  Who could ask for more? And it was a perfect day for getting outside and exploring!  Shortly into the trail we were greeted by these towering moss covered trees and rocks that made me feel like we were stepping in to some sort of fairy tale!

A little freaky.  A lot awesome. Totally gorgeous.  I just want to pet the moss and maybe channel my inner Kota (my granddaughter) and give the tree a big ole' hug!!  And hope it is not secretly some sort of Guardian of the Forest looking to judge me for disturbing the tranquility! IT COULD HAPPEN!

And then we ran into this guy below!  Check him you see a giant gnome too? Or is just me? Have I been sucked into some kind of weird forest trance?

In all fairness, I was watching a YouTube thing yesterday about some mysteries surrounding Crater Lake (which is also in Oregon--obviously not where these pictures were taken--but still OREGON, so there could be a connection!). Anyway, they said that the forest near Crater Lake calls to people and convinces them to do bizarre things and many people fall into trances and disappear or wander off to their deaths. I mean it all fairness, it's possible they just get lost and are not prepared for what they encounter OR is it? Maybe it's the forest trance!

And then there was something about an old man log that floats in the lake and if you try to restrain it any way a big storm comes up unexpectedly until you release it and let go back to its job of protecting the lake....look it up, it's a thing! I brought all that up to say, could these Guardians of the Forest and Giant Garden Gnomes hanging out by Wolf Creek Falls have some sort of job to do?  Are they stationed there to to lure wayward explorers deep into the Enchanted Forests of Oregon?  BTW Enchanted Forest is actually an amusement park in Oregon.  One to which I took my children when they were little and my daughter was traumatized by an Old Lady in the Shoe exhibit.  Mom of the year right here!

Back to THIS enchanted forest...their ploy worked! We hiked right on past them and deeper into the lovely forest towards the raging waters!  And boy were they raging.   Both falls were in full force this weekend. While the upper falls get all the glory, they are both worthy of praise!   Am I right?!

As an added bonus, here is a picture of me taking the picture above (or one similar)!  It's almost (buy really not even close) as cool as the Jimmy Fallon/Justin Timberlake bit with the pics on Coffee Mugs!   But here you have waterfalls and a  transplanted Oregonian taking a picture of the waterfalls!  Nature at its best! Boom! 
Photo by Sue Souza and featuring yours truly!
Along the way we checked out some picnic areas, tried not to slip in the mud or fall through the rickety bridge, found some cool leaves..perhaps lichens (see Sue's pic below), ran into a couple of families and pups, and enjoyed the peace and quiet of being in the woods. Or more appropriately talked non-stop and completely disrupted the peace and quiet of the woods for the other poor souls on the trail who were actually trying to enjoy the peace and quiet of the woods and potentially enraged the Guardians of the Forest of Giant Garden Gnomes. Bygones!

Photo Cred to Sue Souza
All joking aside, when you reach the end of the trail you are greeted by this awe inspiring, breathtaking, and completely humbling view.  I am always compelled to stop, take a moment of silence, and offer up my sincere and heartfelt gratitude to the universe for allowing me to share in that moment. To be in this place. To have the ability to venture into the woods. And to be able to share the moment with good friends.   Namaste.

As a final is a not so humbling or awe inspiring picture of Sue and I in front of the waterfall. I know you wanted to see it!  I am the one in the blue raincoat, with the twisted backpack strap, and the completely drenched, bad hair, don't care!  Sue is the one who looks semi-normal. We made it!

Note to Self: last week I made a note to myself to stop wearing my favorite cap in pictures. This week I change that note to...Buy a different cap/hat to wear in pictures!  All pictures. All the time!

Monday, February 24, 2020

#4 Mt Pisgah, Eugene, Oregon

Hike #4 Mt Pisgah, Eugene, Oregon

Date: Sunday, February 16, 2020
Weather: Sunny and Crisp.
Distance: 2.5ish miles   Never sure how exact the steps tracker is so we will go with the "ish" to be safe!
Type: Park
Company: Track, Jennifer, Melissa, and Ripley!

Reflections: This particular morning I headed up to Eugene to meet up with my friends, Traci, Melissa, and Jennifer. As an added bonus this little cutie tagged along for her first semi-official hiking adventure  Look at that face!  She is just too much!
The hike started out with a bit of adventure for me.  This park requires a parking permit. For some reason, I decided to walk up the hill to the meter before putting on my hiking shoes and still in my flip flops. Well, flip flops were fine on the way up, but not so good on the way down!  I was pretty sure I was going to end up sliding down on my bum, but fortunately there was a kind man behind me and he offered to hold my hand all the way down! I quickly and gratefully accepted and am happy to report we both made it safely down the slippery slope!  Thank you kind man! My bum and my pride are in your debt!
For the specifics of the hike, it was lovely and relaxing. we wandered around the lower trails--I think maybe Lily Pond trail or at least in the vicinity of Lily Pond trail. We stayed on flat ground for Ripley, obviously! Just because I was the one who repeatedly suggested (insisted) we stay in the lower evaluation doesn't mean I needed the lower trails. It was in no way an indication that I may be out of shape and need to ease my way back into the hills!  This is my story and I am going to tell it the way I want!  You feel me!?  So, once the trail was decided, we walked, we talked, we laughed and basically explored every topic imaginable. Perfect day for enjoying the sunshine, activity, and company. Along the way we saw some kayakers out enjoying the day their way and recognized one of them as Jen's fiance!  You just never know who you are going to run into out here.
Hello Erik!
The park was was packed! I thought there was some sort of organized event going on at first. Cars and people everywhere!  Turns out it was not an organized event at all. Just a sunny Sunday in February and a lot of people ready to get out outside and soak up some Vitamin D! I imagine the higher elevation trails (the ones that lead to even more amazing views) were overflowing with people. But since RIPLEY (my story remember) needed the lower trails we were able to find a little quiet space all to ourselves! No shortage of beautiful views, regardless of where you go--truth.  I love this barn on the property. There was a cute little family in front of it this time doing what looked like a One-Year photo shoot for their daughter. I didn't take a picture of them taking pictures of her because that would have been creepy, but here is the barn! Good location for a photo shoot. Well played happy family, well played!

Once the hiking part was done, we headed over to Melissa's house for some spicy cabbage soup and homemade bread! TASTY GOODNESS! As an added bonus I got to meet the piggies and bunnies for the first time. So cute! You can check them all out on Instagram at @bluebarnsanctuary. She gets the best pics of the piggies and bunnies. Seriously, today's pic is of the pigs getting a bath...pigs in bubbles! What?! Check them out. You won't regret it!  

In summary, I completely enjoyed the day. Seriously, when you have good friends, cute animals, sunshine, and gorgeous views---what's not to love!  BUT, after several park type hikes in a row I am definitely ready to get back to trees and dirt paths! My next hike will include a waterfall--no doubt!

The Badasses
Melissa, Traci, Jennifer, Debi, and Ripley!
Missing: Sue

Note to self: Stop wearing caps in pictures!  Functional, yes. Photogenic...NOT

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

#3 Row River Trail @Dorena Lake

#3 Row River Trail @ Dorena Lake, Cottage Grove, Oregon

Date: Sunday, February 9, 2020
Weather: Sunny and Crisp.
Distance: 5ish miles   Never sure how exact the Fitbit tracker is so we will go with the "ish" to be safe!
Type: Park-ish, Paved trail around the lake
Company: Sue, Melissa, Mali, and Jax

Reflections: On Sunday morning I had the opportunity to meet up with my friends Sue and Melissa and Sue's lovely pups Mali and Jax.  We started the day with a yummy breakfast burrito at Tiffanee's food court in Cottage Grove. If you get the chance, check them out! Serious!  I had the basic burrito (eggs, potatoes, pepper jack cheese, and verde sauce)! TASTY Goodness right there! They had vegan and carne options as well!  Something for everyone!

After the yumminess we headed out to Dorena Lake to tackle a small part of the Row River Trail.  The Row River Trail  totals around 14 miles and runs out of Cottage Grove, through fields, past a lovely covered bridge, around a portion of the lake and out into the wild.   We started our hike at a parking area next to the lake and headed out. We followed the lovely lake for awhile and then eventually headed away from the water and into the peaceful serenity of the area.  The water was low which really changed the landscape and created some beautiful views. 

While the location was beautiful---you wouldn't expect any less from Oregon-- the best part of this day was the company.  After being away home from six-weeks it was so nice to connect with friends, talk about everything and anything, and just relax for a minute.

If I were doing a gratitude list, I would say that first and foremost I am so grateful to have friends who are available on short notice and are willing to spend their mornings strolling around the lake with me.   Second, I would say that I am so grateful to live in this beautiful and amazing state.   I love you Oregon, my Oregon! Finally, I would say that I am grateful to have a body that allows me to get out and experience moments like this! I may not have a "perfect body" according to society's standards, but I accept and love that my body is perfectly made and able to support me every day!

Gratitude.  Beauty.  Friendship. Peace. Bliss....  #everydayadventures #thingsthatmakemehappy

Books Books Books---- Make it Stick: The Science of Successful Learning

So, I want to talk about this book.  I LOVE this book! I find myself thinking about it at random times and looking for patterns to support it.  Yep, I am hooked.  I was first introduced to it several years ago when a former coworker of mine did a faculty lecture on it.  At the time I was intrigued and thought it sounded interesting--but I didn't totally embrace it.  That came later. After I finally read it and then fell hopelessly, head-over-heels in love with the book. Like seriously...this book is the shit!

I tried to talk about it with my current coworkers but you somehow lose your credibility when you claim that every single chapter is your favorite! Like, last chapter was good, but this chapter is so spot on and is my absolute, unequivocal favorite---until the next one.  Sorry...not sorry!

So, why do I think it is so great? Thank you for asking!  I am happy to tell you! Let's do it top 10 style--what do you say? It's Tuesday...Top 10 Tuesday seems like a thing.  Right?

We will be dramatic and build up to number 1. You in?

10.  It is so relevant!  So relevant. I work in higher education so that seems like a given. But thats the obvious answer. The real answer is that it helps ME!  I mean come on...that's what it's about. For reals. It's about me. I am channeling my inner Toby here and saying I want to talk about me!  I LOVE the techniques in this book and how they turn all my previous knowledge about education on end. It challenges me to think about things in a new way, see it from a new perspective, and reconsider everything I think (thought) I know (knew).  For instance, one of my commitments to myself this year is to learn Spanish--fear not, I am not suddenly going to start writing in Spanish. Not yet anyway. At this point I am pretty limited to drinking water (yo bebo agua), eating apples (yo como manzana) and looking for my suitcase (donde esta mi maleta). You are good for now.  Back to the  book....So, I am learning Spanish. I am using a fun app--because that's the way we do things now-- and the app uses so many of the practices talked about in this book! It's all there: generation, recall, effort, interleaving, quizzing-- all of it! It's like the developers read the book! Do you think they did?  It makes me weirdly happy when I recognize the techniques and how they are being used.

9.  It's backed up by research and they share the research. Unlike a lot of writing--including my own--it's not just some random person spouting their ideas and trying to get you to buy into them AND perhaps buy their book. They share the research, give examples, and explain where the ideas come from. They give you all the whys and whatnot's you could possibly want. And I, like many, am the kind of person who wants them all! I need to understand the reasoning before I can support the message or idea.

8. They include a TON of stories to explain the concepts.  Who doesn't love a good story?  Especially a story within a story. They talk about interleaving  by exploring batting practice. They talk about different kinds of intelligences by exploring street children in third world countries and how they operate their businesses. You are intrigued aren't you? That's the point. They hook you in with the story and then reel you in with the data. Excuse me while I Geek Out here!

7. It introduces super cool phrases and ideas like interrupting forgetting.  Interrupting Forgetting! Such a powerful idea that helps debunk the myth of cramming in hopes of retaining. We don't retain what we cram. We just don't.   How many all night cram sessions did you have in school only to lose ALL the information the second the test was over?  If you are like me, a LOT!  And that's fine if all you want to do is get an A, but if you actually want to learn you have to allow time to forget a little--not too much-- so that you can go in and retrieve the information and strengthen the pathways! This is hard. I am not going to lie. As I work through my Spanish lessons I am trying to purposely build in time to forget. And I HATE it because I sort of feel like a failure when I try to retrieve it. But you know what? After I do that a couple of times, I've got it! It's there.  Pathways are strong!  FASCINATING STUFF! You still with me?

6. It warns against the familiarity trap (yep, another cool catch phrase). I love this idea! Yes, I love a lot. What can I say. I am easily hooked. I have actually used this exact phrasing with my students since reading this bit of information. Do you really know this information or is it possible that you have fallen into a familiarity trap because you have read this section, taken the practice test, or watched these videos (whatever the case is) X number of times? How can we change up your practices right now to see how much of this information you are retaining?  Good stuff, man.  Good stuff!

5. Systems of Learning! System 1 and System 2--forever linked in my brain as versions of Thing 1 and Think 2--which BTW, memory cues is another technique from this book. So, System 1 and System 2 are all hyped up and dancing around in my brain reminding me that we have to stop and step back from our immediate, unconscious reactions (system 1) and take the time to fully explore the situation, analyze the data, and make informed decisions (system 2).  This whole section was explained using a truly fascinating and somewhat terrifying story about pilots and how they have to override their own physical responses and learn to trust the planes instruments.  Interesting because it goes against our gut. Terrifying because I travel a lot and don't like to think about what's happening behind those cockpit doors!

4. Memory Cues and Mental Models. Throughout the book they really dig into how the brain works and have full on discussion about neuroplasticity and other brainiac stuff. But what I love most is the explanations on how to use that information. For instance, they talk about creating and using memory cues and memory models to help with retrieval They walk you through the process of creating these models. They share examples of creating memory palaces and coffee shops--although personally I might go for a wine bar--and finding memory cues that work to help you retrieve the information when you need it.. They share stories and interviews with  people who compete in memory competitions--yes, it's a thing.  Hearing how these people are applying these techniques is insane. The things they can do are almost superhuman. I will be honest and say I am not great at this part yet. Other than System 1 and System 2 I haven't quite built my memory wine bar... yet. But I am intrigued!

3. Embrace Difficulties and the Testing Effect.  Ahhhh. Thank you and shame on me.  I am linking these two ideas because this is how they resonate with me and I am the one writing this!  It's all about me, remember? We all get so obsessed about things being easy. Right?  As adult learners, we have a tendency to push back when things get hard. We don't want to be challenged. We have enough to juggle in our lives. We don't have the time, energy, or inclination to spend time on something that is difficult. We want things to come easy. Just give me what I need and let me move on. Anybody else with me on this or is it just me?  I fall into this trap as a learner. I definitely fell into this trap as a teacher--oh the shame! I was so concerned about the well being of my students that I didn't push them. I didn't challenge them. I didn't quiz them enough or sometimes at all. While I was coming from a place of compassion, I believe now that I failed them.  That is hard to accept. I appreciate the information though because I will not fail in that way again.   I feel like I need to track down all my former students and apologize.  Obviously, I can't actually do that--so I will just apologize here to the universe and hope it finds its way to them.

2. Unksilled and Unaware of it. WHAT? Somebody actually said it. They actually said it. Sometimes people just don't know what they don't know--- and sometimes there are known unknowns and then there are unknown unknowns (anybody with me?)--anyway. So, I love that this is addressed. Because sometimes you just wonder....what is happening right now? Am I in an alternate universe? Were we in the same meeting? Are there words coming out of my mouth?  You get the idea.  But if you don't know what skilled looks like, how do you know if you're unskilled? And once you become aware of it--how do you fix it? I know you want more details on this because it is mind-blowing and life changing, but it is also 12:16 a.m. and I need to wrap this up..because mornings come too early.  So go read the book!

1. And the number one reason I love this book.....PRACTICAL STEPS for applying it. Seriously an entire section on how learners, teachers, and trainers can apply the ideas to their unique situations! You don't have to speculate! You don't have to wonder how ypu are going to use this information. NO. No guesswork at all. They tell you flat out! If you are a trainer...try these techniques. If you are a student, do this!  It reminds me of Small Teaching. Another great book full of practical tips--a conversation for another day.

And on that note, let's have a bonus

Bonus: Growth Mindset! Gotta love a book that references another book. Who's read or studied Carol Dweck's Growth Mindset research? I know you might be inwardly or outwardly groaning right now and thinking "Growth Mindset is so overdone and I am sick of hearing about it! Leave me alone while I go hide in my wine bar!"   It's true. I know. It's totally been the "it" thing for awhile and has saturated the market. BUT that doesn't mean there isn't value to it.  I liked seeing it referenced in this book and was even inspired to go back and re-read it....someday.

Ahhh...It felt good to get all that out!  If you love to read as much as I do, I hope you are intrigued to go read this or some other fascinating book. And I hope you will share it with me!  Until then...I must sleep.

Good night!

Apples, Oats, Fish, Beans and Avocados...

 ...that's it.  Those are the things I need to eat EVERY Day! Why?  Well about a week ago I found out my cholesterol is at 239.   Anythi...