Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Commitment Update #1


At the beginning of this year, I made three commitments to myself.

1. Embrace creativity by reengaging with photography and writing
2. Complete the #52HikeChallege by completing 52 individual hikes this year
3. Learn Spanish

As we (the universal we, that is) approach the end of the second month of 2020, it is time to take stock and see how I am doing so far.   Initial thought---I am rocking it!. I have consistently expressed myself creatively through writing in my journal or on this blog. On the blog I have written about hikes, a book, commitments, and gratitude.  I have not limited myself to any specific type of ramblings and have a list of topics I am interested in exploring. In my journal I have written about my habits I am trying to form or change and personal reflections. I shared a picture I took with the Pacific NW Waterfalls Group and it got approved for posting!  55 likes so far and 4 shares!  Wolf Creek Falls for the win! 

I have completed five hikes and fallen into a weekly routine of hiking on Sundays.  Since I have been home I have had the opportunity to hike with friends on three separate occasions. I anticipate their will be some solo hikes coming soon. In fact, I have recently changed my work schedule so that I have a free afternoon in the middle of the week and intend to use it for just those types of adventures!  I haven't gotten overly ambitious with my hikes yet and have remained pretty close to home. Although, I do have plans to venture out further as the weather improves. I envision some hiking/camping weekends that will allow me to explore further from home.  This ties in nicely with my goal to create a second income stream by listing my home through Airbnb a couple of times a month. The vision is that I will go away and hike and my home will make money for me while I am gone.   Still exploring this idea though--not ready to execute it.

I am faithfully working on the DuoLingo app and building my knowledge of Spanish.  Later this year I plan to enroll in a conversational Spanish course so that I can practice applying what I am learning. I really enjoy the app and the way it incorporates researched backed learning practices into the delivery model (as an educator I geek out on that kind of stuff). I have completed 12 lesson levels on the app and am currently in the Amethyst League--although I did just fall out of the top 10 and am in danger of not advancing to the next level. Truthfully, I don't really know what that means--but I am claiming it as proof I am keeping my commitment! I have 13 achievement badges and have 5819 XP....again no idea what that means but in the gamification of learning it is fun to have some bling! I also have a friend who has just recently signed up so I am hoping this will lead to some opportunities to practice speaking.

The cool thing about these commitments is that they are tangible things I want to do. I look forward to them and while they are about making me better, they are not about changing me---and I think that is the difference. In the past I have made commitments to lose weight, work out, eat healthy, etc.  Those were all focused on changing me.  And as I recently learned by completing the Four Tendencies quiz, I tend to be a rebel and I rebel against both internal and external expectations!   It's almost like my brain says....oh so you think we should lose weight, do you? (we, because my brain is clearly talking to me and me + I = we?)  My brain continues...I will show you...there will be no losing of weight!   Yea, I have issues. But this time---it's just about doing things I want to do and even a rebel can't argue with that because they live to do what they want!  Cue Cartman here...whateva, I do what I want!   Now my brain says, oh you want to hike 52 times this year and learn a new language so we can go to Spain-- yeah, okay, me too! You want to express your creativity by going pretty places to take pictures and write about things on your mind....yeah...let's do that!  I think I figured this out!

I am also working on building some habits that have been on my mind for awhile-- a solid morning routine which includes getting up a six, meditating, journaling, and yoga; moving for 30 minutes a day; and eliminating alcohol from my life.  Two of the three of these habits fall under the same mindset as the commitments-- they are not about changing who I am or implying I am not good enough as I am. Instead they are about improving the current version of me.  The third one is definitely about eliminating something from my life-- but it is not about changing who I am, it is jut about removing something that is not good for me.  I am learning to respect the rebel in me and I am careful to word that habit as "I will not drink alcohol TODAY."  Let tomorrow take care of itself, but for today I will refrain.   I have never been to an AA meeting--nor do I need to--but on TV they always say that it is about taking it one day at a time. Right now I am four days in. Tomorrow is another day. Hopefully, by approaching it this way, I will be able to appease my inner rebel and reach my goal.

Finally, in addition to my three commitments and three habits, I have three personal goals.  They are 1) take control of my finances by cultivating a second income stream; 2) go on one solo trip this year; and 3) take control of my health by eliminating toxic habits and incorporating daily movement. So far my only progress with the goals has been to identify them. No, wait-- that's not true! In fact all three of my habits feed the goal of taking control of my health.    I am exploring the AirBnb idea which would contribute to goal #1 and have actually researched a weekend getaway for my birthday to complete a hike I want to take for my #52hikechallenge. So, look at me making progress already!

There you have 2 months into 2020 and I am still on track with my personal commitments, am building solid habits, and have identified three goals I would like to achieve this year. got this!

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