Sunday, March 29, 2020

#11 Lockdown Hike Myrtle Creek, Oregon

Hike #11  Myrtle Creek, Oregon

Date:  March 29, 2020
Distance: 3.77 miles
Weather: Cloudy with a few light sprinkles 
Type: Urban
Company: Started out solo but ran into my grandson and his other grandmother and we continued together---while practicing appropriate social distance! 

Reflections: I debated what to do today. I knew that I needed to get out and spend some time in nature, but I wasn't sure where I could go. I contemplated heading out towards Glide and trying to find an abandoned trail (yes, I know they are technically closed, but I thought if I went to a lesser know, off-the-beaten path trail it might be okay).  After watching the news this morning and seeing that the death count in the US rose from 1000 to over 2000 in just three days and that our country now has over 100,000 cases, I reconsidered and decided to follow all the rules and stay close to home. 

I took my camera with me today so I could document the experience and show what a small town on lock down looks like. I know they are not using the language "lock down." It is an executive order to "Stay Home to Stay Healthy." But things looked pretty locked down to me. Anyway, someday in the future, my grands will be studying about the pandemic of 2020 at school.  I wanted to have something to show them, to remind them that they were here and what it was like. They are too young to remember this moment. But I know that this is a pivotal moment and nothing will ever be the same as it was before.  There is no going back to "normal." There is only moving forward and establishing a new normal.  

So, with all that doom and gloom mentality and a bit of a heavy heart, I grabbed my camera and headed out. The first thing I noticed was that the streets were EMPTY. Deserted. I left my house around 11:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning. A time when people are normally out and about doing their thing and taking advantage of a weekend.  Not today. There was no one out there. The entire time I was out I saw about 10 cars and 2 motorcycles. VERY unusual!  I usually start my walk by heading three blocks from my house and doing the loop through Evergreen Park so that seemed like a good place to start today, right? Nope. Not an option.  As I approached the park I was greeted by a traffic cone barrier and a sign declaring the park closed until further notice.  I mean parks were closed...but I guess I didn't know that meant I wouldn't even be able to walk THROUGH them. It's not like I wanted to hang out on the playground or host a family BBQ at the pavilion. I didn't even want to go to the bathroom!  I just wanted to walk through the park and enjoy the peace and quite.  Not today, Debi. Not today. 

With that route blocked, I turned around and headed back down the empty streets. I encountered closed signs or barriers at every park or open space I passed.  Soccer field, skate park, playground...anywhere people can gather. CLOSED!  Okay, so yes, I knew everything was closed. I expected that. But expecting it and seeing it are completely different. I was not prepared for how weird it was. Seriously strange. Unsettling. I caught myself looking around for Walkers a couple of times and planning escape routes. Glen hid under a trash bin for an entire off season was that an option for me? Where are the trash bins? Are they closed to?  I mean come on...I know you are thinking it to. What  other explanation is there? Zombie Apocalypse!   Of course, then I noticed all the police officers cruising the streets. I actually saw three or four police offers while I was out. Remember there is NO ONE out there so what were they all doing?  There was this one time (at band camp...anyone?) when one of them turned on their lights, pulled up next to a small group of people and apparently made them disperse. I saw apparently because I didn't hear the conversation-- I just saw what I saw. They were there, he pulled up, spoke to them, drove off, and they separated and went their own ways. After that I felt less like I was in an episode of  The Walking Dead and more like I was in a some sort of Police State situation.  Freaky.  
In addition to all the parks, I encountered several business sporting closed signs as well. 
Some business tried to be funny and show they understood that these are strange times. Others were pretty straight forward and had a more angry or hostile feel to them.  Stressing the point that closing was something that was forced on them and not something they chose for themselves. All of them were sad reflections of the time we are living in. Businesses from gyms, to churches, hair salons, and veterinary offices were all hidden away behind closed doors waiting for a time when "regular" life can resume. 

Even during the lock down some businesses, those deemed essential, are permitted to remain open.  We have a couple of those here in downtown Myrtle Creek. Tommy's All America burger is open for walk up orders (no dine-in). But not on Sundays, so their parking lot was closed. That left the hardware store and it was doing a decent business today. Apparently it was the place to be today!   It was also the bright spot for me because as I was snapping pictures of the business, I heard one of my favorite voices in the world call out for Nana!

Tonna and Ryder heading my way!
After all the doom and gloom from the first part of this Lockdown Hike, meeting up with one of my favorite people on earth was just what I needed to help me find some joy in the day! We teamed up and continued our walks together--maintaining an appropriate social distance of course! I certainly didn't want the Popo rolling up next to us.
From the hardware store we headed over to Millsite Park where we were greeted by yet another closed sign. But while the park was closed, the walking trail was not!  Finally we were getting to to some nature!  Look at that cute boy hanging out to document this journey! Remember from the beginning of this blog, my goal when I set out on this Lockdown Hike was to document it for the Littles.  Since I was fortunate enough to run into one of said Littles, I was able to get a picture of him with next to one of the signs.  Someday, he will be able to show this picture during one of his history reports!  Hopefully, he will appreciate the foresight his Nana showed! 

Even with the crazy times and closures signs everywhere, all it takes is a little nature and some good company to turn a gloomy day into a fun adventure. I can you be blue when you are surrounded by views like these? 

Find the joy in the every moment!
 #nanalove #everydayadventures #thingsthatmakemehappy 

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