Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Social Distancing

In the craziness that is our world right now this term "Social Distancing" is being used like it has always been a thing. Like social distancing has always been a part of casual conversation. Oh no, we can't come for dinner tonight, we are social distancing.  I am so sorry, I would love to come to your selling something party, but I am social distancing.  I am going to need some time off from work next week--it's my social distance week. Kind of cool, right? But totally NOT a thing.  It is not a phrase that we have used in the current context. Personal space, personal bubble, antisocial, hermit...yeah those are things. But "social distancing?" Nope. Until now.  Am I the only one who thinks it's weird how the media can just introduce words or phrase and suddenly we all embrace them like they have always been a thing?  Without missing a beat.  This is totally going to be the WORD for 2020. We need to "social distance."  Let's practice "social distancing." Did you hear that all bars, restaurants, schools, and gyms are closed and groups of 25 or more are banned? Oh yeah, of course...social distancing! Leave six feet between you and others, don't shake hands---choose elbow bumps and bows. Isolate yourself to protect others.  SOCIAL DISTANCE already!

It is noble. It's for the greater good (and I do believe that). It embraces the "takes a village" mentality. It's people helping people (side bar--isn't that a song? People helping people? If not, it should be). Many, many people are changing their entire lives and are making great sacrifices by embracing this idea of social distancing in order to be responsible citizens and stop the spread of this virus. I respect all of them...all of you. MAD RESPECT.  But you know what I figured out-- social distancing is my jam. My norm. It is my everyday life. I have been social distancing since before social distancing was cool (sort of like country--Barbara Mandrell, anyone?)! I work from home. I live alone. I love my home and am happiest when I'm here. When I am not here I prefer to be in nature--hiking, kayaking, watching water, seeing trees, standing on hills, walking on ridges-- or hanging out with my small group of friends, my children, and my grandchildren (definitely under the 10 person limit recommended by the federal government). I avoid crowds like the plague that they now are. I choose to shop at my small local grocer even though it costs more just to avoid crowds. Actually, my preference is to order my groceries on line or have them delivered but that requires planning ahead and I am not so great at that. But the point is...I am on the cutting edge of social distancing. Yep...I got this!

In order to make this new version of "social distancing" something different, I feel like I should use this time to learn something or take on a new challenge.  I mean if I am going to be stuck home by someone else's mandate rather than my own natural inclinations then I should treat it differently. I am not hanging out here on my couch in my cozy home because its my favorite place to be! I am social distancing to help the world!  This is like "social distancing plus" or "government mandated social distancing."  I don't know. The point is, I should use the time intentionally! Right?

Alright, let's come up with a plan. We will start with a list, because that's what people who plan do. Right?  My daughter is a huge planner and she loves a good list. All kinds of lists. As a kid, and I am sure still as an adult, she had notebooks full of lists! Songs she liked, albums she had, books she had read, books she wanted to read, things she had done, clothes to wear on vacation SORTED by day....lists, lists, lists. I am not saying she did, but I am just saying she MIGHT have had lists of her lists. It's possible. It's also really weird. Where did she get that from? Not me. As mentioned above, I am a non-planner.  Hmmm..... I feel like I should probably be going to a support group or something. Hi, My name is Debi and I am a non-planner.    Next level....I am a non-planner parent of a hyper planner child.  WELCOME DEBI! We feel you! We got you. Ahhh...thank you imaginary people. I feel validated. Unplanned is OK!  Let's make bumper stickers or badges or BOTH. Moving on!

Back to my list.  Things I want to learn or do:

1. Write the song People Helping People.
2. Learn photography.  How to use all the features on my camera, frame shots, pick shots, manage shots, etc.   I love photography and would really like to understand it.
3. Learn to play the guitar. I don't have any reason for that--I just want to do it.
4. Write a book. I don't know what it would be about or even what genre. But I read an article about how you can write a novel if you set a goal to complete so many words a day and then just do it. No matter what. 
5. Paint. I am not good at it but I like it.  I would enjoy doing it more.
6. Learn to cross stitch. Seems like a cool thing to do.
7. Cook more.  More variety. Different foods.  Maybe a theme. Then when the "social distancing' is over, I could have dinner parties. I probably won't. But I could.
8 Build a desk.  Yep. I have ideas.
9. Learn Tai Chi. People look so cool when they are doing Tai Chi. Like they know the secret to life! I want to be cool. I want to know.
10. Start a book club--well, I guess I can't actually do that because SOCIAL DISTANCING--unless I did it online.   Okay do over...

#10 Start a virtual book club!

10 things?  Whoa. I am going to need a lot of time to get through that list. That is intimidating. My heart is now beating rapidly. I am feeling warm.  DEEP BREATHS. Breathe. You got this, Debi.  I have heard projections that this could last through August-- I hope that is not true but it does give me some time to work with. So, I guess, now that I have named them, it's time to roll up my sleeves and get to work. I have a lot of questions though. Where should I start? How much will I get done? Will I do anything? Or will it just be a list on a blog never to be checked off? What good is a list if you don't check or cross things off? Even a non-lister like me knows that's the whole point of the list...to cross it off. Done! Check!

Suddenly this feels like a whole lot of pressure and I am not into pressure. Why are you pressuring me pretend readers?  Back to the deep breaths. Maybe some meditation. Where's Adriene when I need her? (Yoga with Adriene--You Tube. Check her out!) It is just a random idea of a lot of things.  Let's see what happens.  I'll keep you posted. I know your intrigued!  I got ya! But for now I gotta go, I'm social distancing! 

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