Saturday, March 28, 2020

Commitment Update #2

Commitments, Habits, and Goals

At the beginning of this year, I set three commitments:
1. Learn Spanish
2. Complete the #52HikeChallenge
3. Embrace Creativity

I followed this up with three habits I wanted to build:
1. Establish a supportive morning routine that includes waking up at a set time, yoga, meditation, and journaling.
2. Move every day for 30 minutes
3. Eliminate alcohol from my life.

Then I went one step further and established three goals I would like to focus on this year.
1. Generate a second income stream
2. Take control of my health
3. Travel solo

I have worked on these commitments, habits, and goals over the last three months.  Let's take stock and see how I am doing.

I am actively working on my Spanish lessons. I work on Duolingo almost every day.  I have completed the intro section (8 topics) and am working on section 1. I have complete 6 topics in this unit and am currently working on 4 more. I have access to the next 3 but won't start them until I make a little more progress on these 4.  I am currently in the Amethyst League--whatever that means! I am in 13th place here so I do need to step up my game if I want to advance to the next league. I have completed level 10 and have a somewhat sporadic pattern. Some days I do a lot, others just the minimum.  BUT I am still moving forward.

#52HikeChallenge is on pause because of the Corona!  My last hike was on March 10 at Cathedral Hills in Grants Pass, Oregon...before we were under this "Stay Home to Stay Healthy" order. Trails and parks are closed--anywhere people would congregate.  I did take a "social distance" hike the other day around my town.  I didn't count it as hike because I didn't GO somewhere specifically to hike. It was just here where I live. I think I might do it again tomorrow--if not raining and count it as a hike.  I have to make up some ground!  We are 13 weeks into the year. There are 39 weeks left. I have only done 9 hikes.  I need to get busy!  So, tomorrow I will explore and see where I can find to go. If I can find a dirt trail I will count it as a hike.

I am embracing creativity through blogging faithfully---not every day, but I did not commit to that. I am being consistent though.   I set some sub-commitments for this quarantine period to work on my photography, paint, and write a book.  I haven't make any progress on those. But I do keep a journal (as part of one of my habits) and the blogging are going well!

Those were my commitments!  ON track.

Habits-- doing okay.  Working on the consistent morning routine that involves getting up more than 15 minutes before work starts, doing yoga, meditating, and writing in my journal. I accomplish this most days. I have a habit tracker that I am keeping and it helps hold me accountable. I struggled a bit this week with motivation but I am not going to hold that against myself.  These are weird times and I am going to grant myself some grace here. 

Moving 30-minutes a day is the same. Most days I am on it. Whether it is going for a walk, mowing my yard, cleaning out the shed, or having a dance party in the living room I have been good about movement. Again, not every day and definitely not hard core. But I am doing it.  I set a sub-habit for this corona quarantine period to learn Tai Chi. I did my first lesson today. Looking forward to lesson 2 tomorrow. 

Eliminate alcohol. I was on this. I was doing good!  I had gone like 14 days--and then I caved.  I had a margarita--it made me sick. I didn't have any more. Then I bought some beer. And for about four days I had one or two beers throughout the day.  I didn't care for them.  Last night I decided I wanted to try wine again and see how I do with it. So, I ordered some to be delivered. When it gets here we will see how I feel. Right now, I am thinking I will just put it away and save it for guests. But if I change my mind and have a couple of glasses, I will again, grant myself grace.  One step at at time.

Okay, is where things fall apart! Generating a second income--I actually did get accepted to teach English online through VIPKids. But then I researched it more, looked at the crazy hours required for folks in the pacific time zone and never followed through. Then I got all set up to list my house as an AirBnB when I travel, submitted a proposal for an AirBnb experience, and got approved to drive for Lyft....and then we entered our new lockdown phase.  Everything is on hold for the moment.  I am actually very grateful to still have my full-time job, so I am not going to hate on myself about a second one.

Travel Solo----Uhhhh...yeah.  Lockdown.  I can travel solo from my living room to my bedroom to the office back to the dining room with a sweep by the bathroom and a stop in the kitchen. I'm on it! 

Finally, take control of my health. This one is written purposefully vague because I was trying to focusing on only one thing--like weight--and focus on my entire being. So, I would say I am doing good with this one. I am doing my yoga, meditating, journaling, started tai chi, moving regularly, being kind to myself, accepting my limits, and trying in the face of all this craziness to reduce my stress.  I am not eating the best---but again, I will accept where I am right now.

There we are. 3 months into the year and I am still moving forward on these commitments to myself, habits I want to develop, and goals I would like to achieve.  One step at a time.

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