Monday, April 20, 2020

#13 Chasm Creek Trail, North Bank Habitat, Glide, Oregon

Hike #13  North Bank Habitat, Glide, Oregon

Date:  April 11, 2020
Distance: 3.5 miles
Weather: Sunny
Type: Trail
Company: Social Distancing!  Along the way I waved to a runner, chatter with two women on horseback and ran into a former coworker for a brief visit! 

One of the happiest days of my quarantine life!  I found out that the North Bank Habitat was open!  Ahhhhh!!!  Joyous moments! #thingsthatmakemehappy Oh so VEEERRRRY Happy!  

I headed out on this beautiful morning to smell the trees, listen to the wind rustle through the leaves, feel the sun on my face, and just be in the moment.  I had high hopes of making it up to the top and walking along the ridgeline--one of my favorite things ever!  But, that was not to be the case on this day.   

I did have a gorgeous peaceful walk though.  Followed the old service road along the creek, forded a couple of GIANT mud puddles, chatted with a couple of ladies on horseback, envied a runner who for some unseen reason decided it was appropriate to RUN the trail.   What is that about? Who runs the trail? Why would anyone run choose to run a trail? I mean what is the end game? Was she trying to show everyone up? Did she get up that morning and know how I am going to spend this quarantine day? I am going to go out and run this freaking trail so that I can show all those other poor sods how out of shape they are. Yep, that is what I am going to do!  

To be fair, she probably didn't think that at all. She didn't give any of us a second thought. She was just out enjoying her the beautiful day and taking care of herself.  Geez, Debi! What is wrong with you? Can't you just let the poor girl do her thing? Why you got to be so judgy!?  

Anyway...such a lovely trail running along the creek. There are actually tons of trails out in this area. I chose the Chasm Creek Trail for two reasons. First, it is less populated and I felt like it would be the safest option. And second (and if I being completely honest, probably the most important) this trail is relatively FLAT!  gentle slopes, trees, hills, birds, blue skies, trees.   Maybe, just maybe, the chance to encounter a bear or a mountain lion! YIKES!  

One time, not this time, but one time I saw paw tracks with large claw marks. I don't know what it was. A big dog? A cougar? A bear? A chupacabra? Who knows. It is a mystery.  I will tell you this though. It is definitely enough to get my heart elevated when I am out on the trail!  Double workout. 

Seriously though, it is truly amazing how wonderful it feels to get out in nature and enjoy the day. Truly living my #everydayadventure. 

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