Monday, April 20, 2020

#14 Cougar Canyon Golf Course, Myrtle Creek, Oregon

Hike #11  Cougar Canyon Golf Course

Date:  April 14, 2020
Distance: 3 miles
Weather: Warm and sunny
Type: Golf Course
Company: Totally Solo! 

Another glorious discovery!  The city of Myrtle Creek made an announcement that they were opening up the Cougar Canyon Golf Course for walking and biking! No golfing or archery though. Yep, they actually said archery!  It is not covered by the insurance. So, if you wanted to go out and shoot a bunch of arrows where people are can't. It's a liability!  Sorry. Not sorry.

I headed off on this walk around 6:30 p.m.  Funny story-- I had no idea how BIG a golf course is. Serious. I was expecting a quick 30 to 40 stroll.  12 hours later I finally crawled off the course. Okay, perhaps I exaggerate a bit. Just a bit. It wasn't quite that bad. But it was definitely longer than I expected. Who knew that there were 18 holes?!  Not me I will tell you that!

Seriously it is beautiful though. I am so thankful our town decided to open it up to the public. It is a little piece of paradise in town!  Shake up the routine a bit.  My new favorite place in town.  I am not sure how long they are going to keep it open but I am going to enjoy it for as long as I can!

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