Monday, April 20, 2020

#12 Exploring Myrtle Creek, Oregon

Hike #12  Myrtle Creek, Oregon

Date:  April 9, 2020
Distance: 3ish miles
Weather: Sunny and beautiful
Type: Town
Company: Solo of course because SOCIAL DISTANCING!  Although wave to a person who passed me on the other side of the street

I am having a hard time writing lately. I think I have Corona-virus brain or something.  I am finding it hard to focus and be creative. Spend a lot of time staring at the TV or computer screen. I do walk a lot though. That is one bright spot in this situation. I can't really go anywhere new so I spend a lot of time exploring my town.  Usually I walk the neighborhood and Millsite Park. It is a pretty and peaceful walk. But once a week I try to do find somewhere new to count towards my #52HikeChallenge.  

On this day, I went out exploring a new road in a part of town I don't normally visit. Took off down some dirt roads, skirted a few confusing trespassing signs, a lot of barking dogs. Let's just say it was good for getting the heart pumping!   Aerobic, right!   I drove down to the end of the road, parked my car, and started walking. There are not a lot of houses out there so it was just me, the big open sky, a few birds, and so many beautiful landscapes.  

I did pass one other walker (not of the TWD kind) and we cautiously waved at one another and offered a slight head nod....from across the street. EXTREME Social Distancing!!  Fun fact, if social distancing were an Olympic sport, I would be a gold medalist!

That is all I have for today!  Hike #12 complete!

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