Monday, January 1, 2024

2024-- The year of "No Shoulding on Myself"

 January 1, 2024.

Feels so crazy to type that. 2024! What?  How are we here? Since the pandemic in 2020, it feels like our country has been stuck. Stagnant?  In a Groundhog's Day kind of loop.  

But, me-- I have done all kinds of things since then. Lost family members, moved across the country, changed jobs, and tried to find a way to balance my fantasy self and my real self.   So, what does 2024 hold for me?  That's the question we are all asking ourselves right now, isn't it? What are my goals for this year? What are our resolutions?

Mine is simple-- stop "should-ing" on myself and listen to what I want or need in the moment. Live simpler. Live for me.  Let go of expectations. So while others are doing "no spend" years, "Dry January," and setting aggressive goals to lose weight, hike more, learn a new language, fall in love, and change their lives ( all of which I have tried in the past), I am going to focus on a "No Shoulds" year.  

That is my goal.  Stop forcing myself to do...or feeling guilty when I don't do...things that others or my fantasy self expect me to do.  Just listen to my real self at the moment and figure out what nurtures me at that time. 

Today is January 1.  My head says I "SHOULD" be out on a First Day Hike, communing with nature, and the hundreds of other people trying to get into the state parks.  My homebody heart says, stay home, avoid the crowds,  take down Christmas decorations, watch the Rose Parade, and relax on my day off.   So, that's what I am doing. Might even make some protein pancakes in a bit!

And that's as far as I have gotten....nothing else on my agenda because my goal is to listen to my head, heart, and body and do what feels right at that time. 

That is not to say I don't have some things I want to embrace this year.  I do.  I am human. We always have things we want to do.  It just means I am going to be gentle with myself as I incorporate them. 

1. Reconnect with things that used to bring me joy but somehow got lost-- art, writing, yoga, reading, etc. 

2. Take more day trips. Go exploring. Nothing grand. Just short day trips that fit into my budget and my life. 

3. Spend more time with people who make me happy--  kids, grands, family, and friends. 

4. Focus on self-care. Make healthy choices and accept me where I am.

5. Be open to whatever comes my way. Embrace opportunities. 

So, that's it. Nothing overly grand, but so VERY important.  Just loving me and enjoying life.  Whatever that looks like in the moment.

While the approaches may change, the overarching focus will hold true. Starting with 30-Day Yoga Flow with Adrianne. Reconnecting with something that used to bring me joy. Looking forward to the "flow."

Happy always,


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