Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Writing a Book

March 28, 2020-- I think it would be cool to write a book. Not saying I need to have it published. Just that it would be cool to do. I love to write. I write ridiculous things in my blog all the time but it might be fun to write an actual story. Something that fits together with a beginning, middle, and end.  I did some research on how to write a book. There is a lot of stuff out there about setting daily word counts, committing to a set time and location each day, setting weekly and monthly chapter or word count goals, etc.  But it ALL starts with step 1. What is step 1 you ask? Great question. Step 1 for writing a book is coming up with a topic for the book. What the heck are you going to write about? Let's work on that. What do I know enough about to write about?

Idea 1: I used to want to write a book about incorporating assessment into our daily teaching practices. I did a lot of research on this when I took the Assessment Coordinator position with a former employer and I came up with my own take on this behemoth of a subject. I tried to strip it down, eliminate all the high level clutter, and get to the heart of what teachers could do everyday and how they could use the information.  I loved it. But I was unsuccessful in getting buy in from my fellow faculty and was constantly at war with administration.  I love the topic. I am still very interested in. But maybe I am not the person who should write the book. Or maybe I am just what the field needs.

Idea 2: I LOVE adult learning theories and am constantly pushing the differences between adult and children learners on my coworkers and am trying--sometimes in vain--to encourage people to shift their focus, re-frame their ideas, and loosen the reigns a bit. I could write about that. I can go on for days about andragogy. 

Idea 3: I have worked deliberately over the last 8 years to rebuild---no that is not true, I wasn't rebuilding, I was CREATING a life.  It is hard when you are in 40's and then 50's to make new friends, build new hobbies, do things on your own, be responsible for everything, and manage to enjoy and learn from it all.  I faced some hard challenges---crazy things that no one should have to go through but many of us do...like a mass shooting, health scares with family members, dating--OMG, loosing friends, finding new friends, finding my voice, taking a stand, buying a house, changing jobs, a lot.   I could write about that. 

Idea 4: I always have alternate story lines going on in my head--always. I see someone or something and some part of my brain starts creating a whole backstory for them. I can be lost for hours chasing some weird fantasy life I created for someone else. Not usually me--it is usually sparked by someone else I see and wonder what led them to where they are. I could write those down.

Idea 5: I could write the story of me for my grandkids.  Nana #EverydayAdventures

That is all I have for now. Step 1 for writing a book--come up with an idea.  In progress.

UPDATED December 23, 2020

Idea 6: The Socially Distant Life. AKA Like in Quarantine

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