Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Dear 2021,

 Dear 2021, 

2020 was rough. Can you be a little kinder to us all individually and collectively as a nation, country, species this year? We could use a little break! Seriously, let's cultivate kindness and grace this year. 

So, what's the plan for this year, 2021?  At the beginning of 2020--prior to Covid-19, raging wildfires, record numbers of hurricanes, and an insane election-- I set some goals, habits, and commitments for myself.  Let's see how I did!


1. Learn Spanish-- DONE...well, still doing. I started working with the Duolingo app in January 2020 and have continued to work on it faithfully since then.  This is an ongoing journey and I will be bringing it with me into 2021. 

2. Complete the #52HikeChallenge-- DONE! Not gonna lie, this was a tough one. The Corona lockdowns and restrictions definitely put some limitations on me and I had to get creative a few times, but I DID IT! Grateful for all the friends and family who joined me along the way!  For 2021, I am going to focus on the #52HikeAdventureChallenge (more on that to come).

3. Embrace Creativity-- So-So. I am going to call this one a partial success. I worked on this blog for about 1/2 the year and then lost motivation. I took some courses on photography and bought some paint stuff. I painted once.  Not great. But something. I will continue this commitment into 2021 as well. 


1. Creating a supportive morning routine consisting of yoga and mediation.  I have created a routine of consistently meditating and doing yoga. I don't always do it first thing in the morning, but it is a priority in my life. I will call this a win and will continue these habits into the new year.

2. Move every day for 30 minutes. I would consider this a success as well. I can't say that I move every single day for 30 minutes, but I can say that it is a priority in my life and I am aware of it. I walk, do yoga, and look for other opportunities to be active when I can.  I will continue to work on it this for the new year.  I am currently doing a 55 Day Challenge that will require 55 minutes of activity.  

3. Eliminate Alcohol was the original habit, which I then changed to reduce alcohol. I have reduced my alcohol intake and am still working towards eliminating it completely. Let's call this a work in progress. 


1. Generate a second income stream--No. I researched options such as renting out my guest room on AirBnB, starting an AirBnB experience, driving for Uber or Lyft, and teaching with VIP Kids. For various reasons, I chose not to follow through on them. VIP Kids required WAY too early mornings and I just didn't feel like it would work with my FT job.  Uber and AirBnb--Corona. I took a pause on this and will revisit it a later time. 

2. Take Control of my Health-- In Progress. I found out I had high cholesterol in June and made a commitment to get it under control. Through that process I have focused on my eating and am following a "flexetarian" model that is primarily vegetarian and increasing the "healthy" aspects as I go. I have lost 23 pounds which helped me get my numbers back to a manageable place. I am still working on this and will continue to do so in order to keep from ending up in that position again.

3. Travel Solo-- Again CORONA.  I did go on a couple of camping trips, but not alone. For 2021, though, I already have two camping trips planned and am looking at buying a camper so I can do more! Let's see what 2021 brings!

So, what is instore for us, 2021?

Let's focus on some consolidated commitments that build on 2020's growth. 

1. Continue to learn Spanish--maybe sign up for a conversational course if the opportunity presents itself? What do you think? 

2. Complete the #52AdventureHikeChallenge

3.Incorporate Creativity & Mindfulness into my life through mediation, journaling, photography, and service to to others.

4. Get at least 50 minutes of physical activity a day including yoga, weight training, and cardio activities. 

5. Focus on my health through reducing alcohol, eating healthy, and managing stress.

6. Travel-- alone or with others. Just getting out and exploring this world. 

What do you think, 2021? Challenge accepted? Remember though, our overall goal is to embrace kindness and grace!

Let the games begin!

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