Thursday, August 26, 2021

What I am Doing Now


UPDATED January, 2022. I had a horrible loss shortly after this post was originally made that changed my perspective and my plans.  My world was wrecked and I haven’t really figured out the next step but since that loss I am craving family, connections, belonging.  Reevaluating plans now. 


August 2021–. I sold my house about a month ago and set out on what I HOPE will be a year of travel around the United States. I put my stuff in storage (I have learned from past attempts NOT to get rid of everything right away), packed a suitcase, and hopped on a plane!

First the basics, I work full-time for a company. I am not self-employedor an influencer—of any sort.  I work a basic 40-hour week job—that just so happens to be remote. I am fortunate to have started working remotely prior to Covid-19 and intend to continue doing so as long as possible…12 more years would be perfect! ðŸ˜Š My requirements for work are that I have secure, reliable Internet connection, power, and the ability to work my set office hours. I can do that from anywhere…basically.  

Second, the plan.  I have parents in Texas and Vermont. Children and grandchildren in Oregon, and friends all over the place.  I hope to be able to weave my way across the country checking out hiking trails, national parks, scenic points, and reconnecting with people.  I will be using a combination of planes, trains, and automobiles to get around and using Airbnb’s, hotels, couch surfing, and camping for lodging.

When I started researching this plan, I found TONS of people on the Internet who travel internationally, travel in an RV, live in their cars, live off the grid, or housesit. Those all seem like cool things. But not my thing. I want to pick a place, find a place to stay, and hang out for a couple of weeks to a month. I want time to experience, explore, work, live, breath….BE.  I want to just BE in a place.  

I am currently trying to figure out how much space I need. What are my must-haves and how can I get those on the cheap?  I need a room. A private room. With space to work.  I am okay sitting at a table, on the bed, on a cushion, even on the floor if needed. The place needs to be relatively quiet. I must be able to interact with my students in a quiet, seemingly professional, and confidential setting. I need a place to store and heat up food. Microwave, hotplate, full kitchen—I can work with all of that.  I think I need a private bath—or do I? It would probably depend on the place. And I really love an outdoor space. I want to engage with the outside world.

Can I do all this in the U.S?  Maybe. Maybe not. But I am going to give it a go!   So, hey, if you know me, have an extra space, and want to show me around your area…send me a message! Let’s explore.

Saturday, August 21, 2021

Roadtrip Lessons

I set out today to see some things and do some stuff. Mission accomplished. I also learned some things along the way. 

Let’s start with the seeing and doing.  I started out driving down RT 100. Stopped off in the adorable Rochester, VT for breakfast  at the Rochester Cafe.  The highlight was the Iced Green Mountain Latte with Maple Syrup. DeLish.


For the beginning of my adventure, I let the Route 100 Gypsy Guide lead me through the Mad River Byway. Short stops at Texas, Moss Glenn, and Watson Falls soon gave way to busier towns, traffic, and massive hordes of people.  There were a couple of covered bridges and hikes I wanted to see/do but there were just too many cars and pedestrians around for me to figure out where I needed to be (Lesson #1).  

I eventually made my way to Waterbury, where I attempted to visit the Green Mountain tasting room--it was closed. So, I headed over to Ben and Jerrys and thought I would take a factory tour and see what the “flavor of the day” was--also closed.  How about Cabot Cheese ? (closed) (Lesson 2). Not to be deterred, I went down to the Cold Hollow Cider Mill because I saw RAVE reviews about it online and in all the “Things to Do In Vermont” You Tube videos (Lesson #3).  

My original plan was to head to Stowe from Waterbury and go stroll around a hiking trail I saw online.  With the massive hordes of people in Waterbury and the long line of traffic headed towards Stowe, I decided the other direction would be better for me. Of course by this point, I was desperately wishing I had decided to go to the beach instead because the heat and traffic were starting to fry my brain!  (Lesson 4). 

I drove for a bit listening to the Gypsy Guide and taking in the views because I didn’t really have a plan anymore (Lesson 5). As I was considering going to Fort Ticonderoga, but not really loving that idea because of the heat, I passed a sign for Sherbourne Farms and decided to take a detour.  It was mostly closed-- but their trails were open (some were even shaded) and they had cute goals.   What’s not to love about a place with weird art installations, trails, and goats?  After hanging with my goaties for a while and enjoying some quiet space, I started to feel a little more relaxed and open to other ideas. Considered my options for the rest of the day. 1)  Continue on to Fort Ticonderoga--too hot.  2) Get a hotel and hang out for the night, maybe do some swimming--swimming suit was in Rutland at the AirBnB. 3) Get some dinner--wasn’t hungry yet.  4) Turn on a podcast, point the car toward  Rutland, and enjoy the scenery. We have a winner!

Just as I reached Rutland I decided I was hungry after all and really wanted a brick oven or wood fired pizza.  Instead of going straight to the place and getting one, I decided to swing by the AirBnB first to freshen up. Once I got here, it was all over. There was no way I was heading out again. Ended up eating Tater Tots and fake chicken with Buffalo Sauce — not NEAR as good (Lesson 6).  

Overall, I would say it was a good day. Didn’t go exactly as I planned--but then what does? 

On to the lessons….

Lesson 1: Avoid touristy locations on sunny Saturdays. Judging from the license plates I saw, everyone in the states of Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and New York all read the same blogs and watched the same YouTube videos.  In order to preserve one’s sanity, one should avoid “Top 12 Places” like the plague! Or maybe go on a rainy Tuesday morning when others are not as likely to be out.  Too. Many. People.

Lesson 2:  Do some research before you head out!  Seriously, we are living in Covid times. Things are different. Don’t assume that just because it’s a beautiful sunny day and 10,000,000 people are out on the roads, that any of the destinations will be open.  Why would they be open?. Side note: I just don’t really understand the rationale behind why certain places are open and others are closed. There doesn’t seem to be any consistency or logic. 

Lesson 3: Remember that you don’t particularly like shopping or looking at random things with the names of states, local specialities, or other cutesy things  on them. Shopping is not fun.  All the stores have the same things. Even if something shows up on the “Top 12” list, it doesn’t mean it’s for you (me). Find other ways to “support local” and avoid touristy stores.  Sidenote: While I did enjoy the donut and my “We are All Spots on the Same Cow” tshirt does make me smile---I didn’t need either of them  and wouldn’t have missed them if I hadn’t been there.  Stick to what you know you love. 

Lesson 4: Always choose the water activity. Beach, Lake, River, Pool whatever. If it involves tubes, toes, or kayaks getting in the water…ALWAYS GO WITH THE WATER. 

Lesson 5: Plan ahead.  Seek out the things you love (see lesson 3) and have some back up locations in mind for when things fall apart. Things will always fall apart. You can’t control other people’s path, but you can always choose a new path for yourself---take some time to plan ahead!  Find all the waterfalls, places to rent kayaks or dip your toes in the water,  quiet shady trails, or somewhere that something important happened a long time ago and just go there instead of the crowded towns and shops. Be a planner. 

Lesson 6:  Do everything you want to do BEFORE you get “home” because once you get “home”, just accept that you are not leaving again! Admit it. Own it. Embrace it.  

Sunday, January 10, 2021

2021#52HikeAdventureChallenge Hike 2 Elijah Bristow State Park

January 10, 2021

Elijah Bristow State Park, Eugene, OR

5.95 Miles

For my second hike of the #52HikeAdventureChallenge I headed out to Elijah  Bristow State Park outside of Eugene, OR. Sue and her pups Mali and Jax decided to join us for the fun. It was another beautiful January day with sunshine and degrees in the 50' once again the trails were packed as Oregonians fled the confines of indoors and chose to socially distance themselves outside.  

We meandered around the trails switching between the River, Elk, and Turtle trails as needed to bypass the mud and horse poop!  Can't say that we were always successful but we gave it our best effort!  

By the time we were done, we had gone 5.95 miles.   Beautiful trail.  Beautiful day.  Great company.

Hike #2 is done!  

2021 #52HIkeChallenge First HIke!


Jan 3, 2021

Hike #1 Mt. Pisgah Eugene Oregon

3 miles

I started the 2021 challenge with my friends Melissa, Traci, and Jennifer.  We gathered to celebrate Melissa's 50th birthday by enjoying nature and good company. 

A dry, warm day in January meant the trails were packed! We encountered several other fellow Oregonians out enjoying the day.  This is winter in Oregon--or at least my portion of Oregon. Chasing sun! 

Of course, to be fair, this is my life goal in general!  

Hike #1 is in the books!

Wednesday, January 6, 2021

Reflections on January 6, 2021

 January 6, 2021

The day our nation's capitol was attacked by our own citizens. 

Today was hard.  I turned on the TV  this morning to watch what should should have been, would normally have been, the 30 minute process of confirming the electoral votes for President-elect Biden. Instead I was greeted with the terrifying view of our own citizens attacking our capital building and forcing our elected officials (including our VP) into lockdown.

What the actual hell??  How does this happen in our country?  How is this reality?  

I am heartbroken. Sick. Disillusioned.  Furious.  Pissed. The list goes on. 

So many emotions that I don't even know how to sort through them.  

First, as someone who has been in a lockdown situation before, I am so sad for all these people who were forced into that position today by other people's careless/selfish actions. I have mad respect for all of them for deciding to stay on tonight and committing to confirming the electoral votes as planned.  I am sure, from experience, that some of them are probably still in denial or "flight or fight" mode and haven't really started the process of dealing with the trauma of going into a sudden lockdown. It takes a LONG time to heal. I can tell you from a point of 5 years, 3 months, and 5 days takes longer than that. 

Second, extreme shock that even though all this has happened there are still 105 Republicans who have agreed to the objection (as of 7:53 p.m. PT).  How is anyone still supporting this insanity?? You were sent into lockdown by misguided people who have been swayed by the unfounded allegations of our current President.  I don't even understand.   

As a person, I try so hard to view people as individuals and not lump anyone into groups of "them" or "others." I try very hard to see both sides of a situation and seek to understand rather than condemn.  But I am struggling here.

Our nation's capitol was attacked.  Our elected officials were forced into lockdown. Our fellow Americans perpetuated the attack. This was not an outside force trying to attack our way of life. This was internal. Us attacking Us. Incited to violence (which is a crime) by our own President.  How is this the reality that we have found ourselves in?  How did we get here? 

All because one man doesn't want to admit that he lost.  GROW UP!  Losing is a part of a life.  Recognize and appreciate the opportunity you were given and move on.  Your time at the White House is over. Look to the next adventure. 

I don't know how to accept or process this.  I do know that I have always been a middle of the road person in terms of politics.  I have tried to respect and accept the views of Republicans, Democrats, Independents, etc.  I have tried not to judge groups based on their political, religious, or moral beliefs. Instead I have tried to look for points that we could agree on and respect the freedom to have their own beliefs.  After today, I am not sure I can do that anymore. 

Today I am just pissed.

This is not okay.  This is not the America I know and love. 

2020 #52HikeChallenge

Here it is, the complete list of my #52HikeChallenge for 2020!

 1.  January 1, 2020  Azalea Nature Trail Lufkin TX
 2.  January 19, 2020 Golden Bloom Trail, Baytown Nature Center Baytown, TX
 3.  February 9, 2020  Row River Trail  Cottage Grove, OR
 4.  February 16, 2020  Mt. Pisgah Arboretum Eugene OR
 5.  February 23, 2020 Wolf Creek Falls Glide, OR
 6.  February 29, 2020  Toketee, Watson, and Fall Creek Falls Glide OR
 7.  March 1, 2020 Wild Iris Ridge, Ridgeline Trail System Eugene, OR
 8.  March 7, 2020 Drift Creek Falls Lincoln City, OR
 9.  March 10, 2020 Cathedral Hills Grants Pass, OR
10. March 21, 2020 Myrtle Creek 1 Social Distance Hike Myrtle Creek, OR
11.  March 29, 2020 Myrtle Creek 2 Lockdown Hike Myrtle Creek, OR
12.  April 9, 2020  Myrtle Creek 3 Exploring Oregon Myrtle Creek, OR
13.  April 11, 2020 Chasm Creek, North Bank Habitat Eugene, OR
14.  April 14, 2020  Cougar Canyon Golf Course Trails Myrtle Creek, OR
15.  April 28, 2020  North Umpqua Trail  Tioga Segment Glide, OR
16.  May 9, 2020  Susan Arlie Park  Creswell, OR
17.  May 31, 2020 Susan Creek Falls  Glide, OR 
18.  June 14, 2020 Sahalie and Koosah Falls McKenzie River, OR
19.  June 30, 2020 Wolf Creek Falls (repeat) Glide, OR
20.  July 5, 2020 Shadow and Grotto Falls Glide, OR
21.  July 12, 2020  Spirt, Moon, & Pinard Falls  Cottage Grove, OR
22.  July 19, 2020  Fall Creek Falls  Glide, OR
23.  July 25, 2020  Two Lakes Trail Florence, OR
24.  July 26, 2020  Lake Woahink Trail Florence, OR
25.  August 5, 2020 Walker Road, Jedidiah Smith State Park Redwoods, CA
26,  August 6, 2020 Chetco Point  Brookings, OR   
27.  August 7, 2020  Shrader Old Growth & Myrtle Tree Trail  Gold Beach, OR
28.  August 8, 2020  Sisters Rocks Trail  Port Orford, OR
29.  August 24, 2020 Wright Creek Trail Gold Beach, OR
30.  August 31, 2020 Cooper Creek Reservoir  Sutherlin, OR
31.   October 5, 2020 Silver Falls State Park Silverton, OR
32.   October 18, 2020 Ribbon Falls Segment, Ridgeline Trail Eugene, OR
33.   October 24, 2020 Upper Table Rock Central Point OR
34.   October 26, 2020  River Loop Trail  Central Point, OR  
35,   October 30, 2020  Ford Pond Trail  Sutherlin, OR
36.   October 31, 2020  Mildred Kanipe Park/ Underwood Hill Trail Oakland, OR
37.   November 1, 2020  Eel Lake Trail Reedsport, OR
38.   November 15, 2020  Sunshine Park  Roseburg, OR
39.   November 22, 2020  Old Hwy 101/Fern Trail Humbug State Park  Port Orford, OR 
40.   November 23, 2020  Blacklock Trail Port Orford, OR
41.   November 23,2020  Cape Blanco  Port Orford, OR
42.   November 26, 2020  Gold Lake Sno Park  Oakridge, OR
43.   November 26, 2020  Riverfront Trail  Roseburg, OR
44.   November 30, 2020  Soggy Bottom Trail, North Bank Habitat  Roseburg, OR
45.   December 5, 2020  Blacktail Ridge, North Bank Habitat  Roseburg, OR 
46.   December 6, 2020  Days Creek Cutoff Road Sutherlin, OR
47.   December 14, 2020   Chasm Creek to Blacktail, North Bank Habitat Glide, OR
48.   December 18, 2020  West Barn to Thistle, North Bank Habitat Glide, OR
49.   December 19, 2020   Hendricks Park, Ridgeline Trail System  Eugene, OR
50.   December 24, 2020  Lower Table Rock Central Point, OR
51.   December 27, 2020  Rogue River Trail to Whiskey Creek Cabin  Graves Creek, OR
52.   December 28, 2020   Oregon Coast Trail, Sunset Bay to Shore Acres Charleston, OR

Dear 2021,

 Dear 2021, 

2020 was rough. Can you be a little kinder to us all individually and collectively as a nation, country, species this year? We could use a little break! Seriously, let's cultivate kindness and grace this year. 

So, what's the plan for this year, 2021?  At the beginning of 2020--prior to Covid-19, raging wildfires, record numbers of hurricanes, and an insane election-- I set some goals, habits, and commitments for myself.  Let's see how I did!


1. Learn Spanish-- DONE...well, still doing. I started working with the Duolingo app in January 2020 and have continued to work on it faithfully since then.  This is an ongoing journey and I will be bringing it with me into 2021. 

2. Complete the #52HikeChallenge-- DONE! Not gonna lie, this was a tough one. The Corona lockdowns and restrictions definitely put some limitations on me and I had to get creative a few times, but I DID IT! Grateful for all the friends and family who joined me along the way!  For 2021, I am going to focus on the #52HikeAdventureChallenge (more on that to come).

3. Embrace Creativity-- So-So. I am going to call this one a partial success. I worked on this blog for about 1/2 the year and then lost motivation. I took some courses on photography and bought some paint stuff. I painted once.  Not great. But something. I will continue this commitment into 2021 as well. 


1. Creating a supportive morning routine consisting of yoga and mediation.  I have created a routine of consistently meditating and doing yoga. I don't always do it first thing in the morning, but it is a priority in my life. I will call this a win and will continue these habits into the new year.

2. Move every day for 30 minutes. I would consider this a success as well. I can't say that I move every single day for 30 minutes, but I can say that it is a priority in my life and I am aware of it. I walk, do yoga, and look for other opportunities to be active when I can.  I will continue to work on it this for the new year.  I am currently doing a 55 Day Challenge that will require 55 minutes of activity.  

3. Eliminate Alcohol was the original habit, which I then changed to reduce alcohol. I have reduced my alcohol intake and am still working towards eliminating it completely. Let's call this a work in progress. 


1. Generate a second income stream--No. I researched options such as renting out my guest room on AirBnB, starting an AirBnB experience, driving for Uber or Lyft, and teaching with VIP Kids. For various reasons, I chose not to follow through on them. VIP Kids required WAY too early mornings and I just didn't feel like it would work with my FT job.  Uber and AirBnb--Corona. I took a pause on this and will revisit it a later time. 

2. Take Control of my Health-- In Progress. I found out I had high cholesterol in June and made a commitment to get it under control. Through that process I have focused on my eating and am following a "flexetarian" model that is primarily vegetarian and increasing the "healthy" aspects as I go. I have lost 23 pounds which helped me get my numbers back to a manageable place. I am still working on this and will continue to do so in order to keep from ending up in that position again.

3. Travel Solo-- Again CORONA.  I did go on a couple of camping trips, but not alone. For 2021, though, I already have two camping trips planned and am looking at buying a camper so I can do more! Let's see what 2021 brings!

So, what is instore for us, 2021?

Let's focus on some consolidated commitments that build on 2020's growth. 

1. Continue to learn Spanish--maybe sign up for a conversational course if the opportunity presents itself? What do you think? 

2. Complete the #52AdventureHikeChallenge

3.Incorporate Creativity & Mindfulness into my life through mediation, journaling, photography, and service to to others.

4. Get at least 50 minutes of physical activity a day including yoga, weight training, and cardio activities. 

5. Focus on my health through reducing alcohol, eating healthy, and managing stress.

6. Travel-- alone or with others. Just getting out and exploring this world. 

What do you think, 2021? Challenge accepted? Remember though, our overall goal is to embrace kindness and grace!

Let the games begin!

Apples, Oats, Fish, Beans and Avocados...

 ...that's it.  Those are the things I need to eat EVERY Day! Why?  Well about a week ago I found out my cholesterol is at 239.   Anythi...